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=The Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications=
The SENSORCOMM 2009 (The Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications) is a multi-track event covering related topics on theory and practice on wired and wireless sensors and sensor networks.
The SENSORCOMM 2009 (The Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications) is a multi-track event covering related topics on theory and practice on wired and wireless sensors and sensor networks.
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The conference has the following independents tracks:
The conference has the following independents tracks:
    * APASN: Architectures, protocols and algorithms of sensor networks
* APASN: Architectures, protocols and algorithms of sensor networks
    * MECSN: Energy, management and control of sensor networks
* MECSN: Energy, management and control of sensor networks
    * RASQOFT: Resource allocation, services, QoS and fault tolerance in sensor networks
* RASQOFT: Resource allocation, services, QoS and fault tolerance in sensor networks
    * PESMOSN: Performance, simulation and modelling of sensor networks
* PESMOSN: Performance, simulation and modelling of sensor networks
    * SEMOSN: Security and monitoring of sensor networks
* SEMOSN: Security and monitoring of sensor networks
    * SECSED: Sensor circuits and sensor devices
* SECSED: Sensor circuits and sensor devices
    * RIWISN: Radio issues in wireless sensor networks
* RIWISN: Radio issues in wireless sensor networks
    * SAPSN: Software, applications and programming of sensor networks
* SAPSN: Software, applications and programming of sensor networks
    * DAIPSN: Data allocation and information in sensor networks
* DAIPSN: Data allocation and information in sensor networks
    * DISN: Deployments and implementations of sensor networks
* DISN: Deployments and implementations of sensor networks
We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals.
We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals.
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The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, implementations, running experiments and applications. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited topic areas. Industrial presentations are not subject to these constraints. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged.  
The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, implementations, running experiments and applications. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited topic areas. Industrial presentations are not subject to these constraints. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged.  
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following tracks in sensor networks:
==Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following tracks in sensor networks==
APASN: Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Networks
Network planning, provisioning and deployment
Network Architectures for Sensor Networks
Network Protocols for Sensor Networks
Structural design
Distributed Sensor Networks
Dynamic sensor networks
Scalable and heterogeneous architectures
Hierarchical clustering architectures
Group-based Architectures
Network topologies
Mesh networking
Device centric sensor networks
Distributed coordination algorithms
Topology construction
Routing protocols
Routing Metrics
Distributed Algorithms
Attribute-based named nets.
Mobility and Scalability
Attribute-based named Sensor Networks
Query optimization
Self-organization and self-configuration algorithms
Time Synchronization
MAC protocols for sensor networks (801.11, 802.15.4, UWB, etc)
Location and time service
Integration with other systems
Distributed inference and fusion
Cross-layer design and optimization
Complexity analysis of algorithms 
Sensor networks and the Web
Integration with other systems (e.g., Web-based information systems, process control, enterprise software, etc.)
Target tracking
RFID tags
Traffic scheduling
MECSN: Management, Energy and Control of Sensor Networks
Energy models
Energy optimization
Energy management
Power-aware and energy-efficient design
Power sources in sensor networks
Battery technology
Power management
Algorithms and theories for management
Communication strategies for topology control
Algorithms and theories for supervisory control
Sensor tasking and control
Distributed control and actuation
Location and mobility management
Bandwidth management
Distributed networked sensing
Resource provisioning
Resource management and dynamic resource management
Schemes to maximize accuracy and minimize false alarms
Online self-calibration and self-testing
Handoff and mobility management and seamless internetworking
Distributed actuation and control
Topology control
RASQOFT: Resource Allocation, Services, QoS and Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks:
Algorithms to support quality of service in sensor networks
* APASN: Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Networks
Protocols to support quality of service in sensor networks
** Network planning, provisioning and deployment
QoS/SLA in sensor networks
** Network Architectures for Sensor Networks
Provisioning of QoS in terms of bandwidth and delay assurance
** Network Protocols for Sensor Networks
System services and distributed services in sensor networks
** Structural design
Delay tolerant networks and opportunistic networking
** Distributed Sensor Networks
Failure resilience and fault isolation
** Dynamic sensor networks
Information assurance in sensor networks
** Scalable and heterogeneous architectures
Fault tolerance and reliability
** Hierarchical clustering architectures
Admission control
** Group-based Architectures
Resource allocation and fairness
** Network topologies
Real-time resource scheduling
** Mesh networking
Scheduling and optimisation
** Device centric sensor networks
Capacity planning
** Distributed coordination algorithms
** Topology construction
** Routing protocols
** Routing Metrics
** Distributed Algorithms
** Attribute-based named nets.
** Mobility and Scalability
** Attribute-based named Sensor Networks
** Query optimization
** Self-organization and self-configuration algorithms
** Reconfigurability
** Time Synchronization
PESMOSN: Performance, Simulation and Modelling of Sensor Networks
* MAC protocols for sensor networks (801.11, 802.15.4, UWB, etc)
** Location and time service
** Integration with other systems
** Distributed inference and fusion
** Cross-layer design and optimization
** Complexity analysis of algorithms 
** Sensor networks and the Web
** Integration with other systems (e.g., Web-based information systems, process control, enterprise software, etc.)
** Target tracking
** RFID tags
** Traffic scheduling
Performance measurement of sensor networks
* MECSN: Management, Energy and Control of Sensor Networks
Performance evaluation and analysis of sensor networks
** Energy models
Performance comparison on capacity, coverage and connectivity
** Energy optimization
Modelling techniques of sensor networks
** Energy management
Validation of sensor network architectures
** Power-aware and energy-efficient design
Simulation and theoretical analysis
** Power sources in sensor networks
Simulation software tools and environments
** Battery technology
Theoretical performance analysis: complexity, correctness and scalability.
** Power management
Design, simulation and optimization tools for deployment and operation
** Algorithms and theories for management
Platform modelling and analysis tools
** Communication strategies for topology control
Analytical, mobility and validation models
** Algorithms and theories for supervisory control
System debugging and testing
** Sensor tasking and control
** Distributed control and actuation
** Location and mobility management
** Bandwidth management
** Distributed networked sensing
** Resource provisioning
** Resource management and dynamic resource management
** Schemes to maximize accuracy and minimize false alarms
** Online self-calibration and self-testing
** Handoff and mobility management and seamless internetworking
** Distributed actuation and control
** Topology control
SEMOSN: Security and Monitoring of Sensor Networks
* RASQOFT: Resource Allocation, Services, QoS and Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks:
** Algorithms to support quality of service in sensor networks
** Protocols to support quality of service in sensor networks
** QoS/SLA in sensor networks
** Provisioning of QoS in terms of bandwidth and delay assurance
** System services and distributed services in sensor networks
** Delay tolerant networks and opportunistic networking
** Failure resilience and fault isolation
** Information assurance in sensor networks
** Fault tolerance and reliability
** Admission control
** Resource allocation and fairness
** Real-time resource scheduling
** Scheduling and optimisation
** Capacity planning
Security and privacy in sensor networks
* PESMOSN: Performance, Simulation and Modelling of Sensor Networks
Reliability aspects in sensor networks
Monitoring distributed sensor networks
Mechanisms for authentication
Secure communication in sensor networks
Encryption algorithms for sensor networks
Sensor secure management
Data integrity
Trustworthiness issues in sensor networks
Trade-off analysis
SECSED: Sensor Circuits and Sensor Devices
** Performance measurement of sensor networks
** Performance evaluation and analysis of sensor networks
** Performance comparison on capacity, coverage and connectivity
** Modelling techniques of sensor networks
** Validation of sensor network architectures
** Simulation and theoretical analysis
** Simulation software tools and environments
** Theoretical performance analysis: complexity, correctness and scalability.
** Design, simulation and optimization tools for deployment and operation
** Platform modelling and analysis tools
** Analytical, mobility and validation models
** System debugging and testing
Methods for sensor deployment
* SEMOSN: Security and Monitoring of Sensor Networks
Instrumentation and models for deployment of sensors networks
** Security and privacy in sensor networks
Sensor architecture
** Reliability aspects in sensor networks
Abstractions for modular design
** Monitoring distributed sensor networks
Design and deployment of embedded system platforms
** Mechanisms for authentication
Embedded architectures and tools
** Secure communication in sensor networks
Embedded processors
** Encryption algorithms for sensor networks
Embedded chip design
** Sensor secure management
Micro and Nano devices
** Data integrity
** Trustworthiness issues in sensor networks
Optical sensors
** Trade-off analysis
Smart sensors
Acoustic Sensors
Microwave sensors
Middleware design
Sensor Prototypes
Sensor node components
Sensor interfaces
Independent Component Analysis
Design of cost effective and economical sensors
Smart Material Applications to design sensors
Microfabrication Technologies for Microsystem Integration
Integration of sensors into engineered systems
Hardware platforms
Test-beds incorporating multiple sensors
Operating system and middleware support
RIWISN: Radio Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks
* SECSED: Sensor Circuits and Sensor Devices
** Methods for sensor deployment
** Instrumentation and models for deployment of sensors networks
** Sensor architecture
** Abstractions for modular design
** Design and deployment of embedded system platforms
** Embedded architectures and tools
** Embedded processors
** Embedded chip design
** Micro and Nano devices
** Biosensors
** Optical sensors
** Smart sensors
** Acoustic Sensors
** Microwave sensors
** Middleware design
** Sensor Prototypes
** Sensor node components
** Sensor interfaces
** Actuators
** Independent Component Analysis
** Design of cost effective and economical sensors
** Smart Material Applications to design sensors
** Microfabrication Technologies for Microsystem Integration
** Integration of sensors into engineered systems
** Hardware platforms
** Test-beds incorporating multiple sensors
** Operating system and middleware support
Wireless Sensor Communications
* RIWISN: Radio Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks
Network connectivity & longevity
** Wireless Sensor Communications
Tracking objects
** Network connectivity & longevity
Geo-location problems
** Tracking objects
Network coverage
** Geo-location problems
Algorithms for sensor localization and tracking
** Network coverage
Detection, classification and estimation
** Algorithms for sensor localization and tracking
Physical layer impact on higher level protocols
** Detection, classification and estimation
Directional and smart antennas for sensor networks
** Physical layer impact on higher level protocols
Coverage maintenance
** Directional and smart antennas for sensor networks
Transceiver and antenna design
** Coverage maintenance
Ubiquitous wireless connectivity
** Transceiver and antenna design
** Ubiquitous wireless connectivity
SAPSN: Software, Applications and Programming of Sensor Networks
* SAPSN: Software, Applications and Programming of Sensor Networks
** Applications and demonstrations of sensor networks
** Software platforms and development tools
** Architectural design and optimization tools for sensor nodes
** Computation and programming models of sensor networks
** Languages and operating systems of Sensors
** Programming and Interfacing
** Programming abstraction
** Programming models for sensors
** Programming methodology for sensor environments
** Intelligent sensor theory and applications
** Machine learning applications to sensor networks
** Wireless sensor applications
** Applications for sensor network management.
** Software tools for chip programming
** Application requirements
** Application evaluation and comparison
** Demos and prototype testing
Applications and demonstrations of sensor networks
* DAIPSN: Data Allocation and Information Processing in Sensor Networks
Software platforms and development tools
Architectural design and optimization tools for sensor nodes
Computation and programming models of sensor networks
Languages and operating systems of Sensors
Programming and Interfacing
Programming abstraction
Programming models for sensors
Programming methodology for sensor environments
Intelligent sensor theory and applications
Machine learning applications to sensor networks
Wireless sensor applications
Applications for sensor network management.
Software tools for chip programming
Application requirements
Application evaluation and comparison
Demos and prototype testing
DAIPSN: Data Allocation and Information Processing in Sensor Networks
** Techniques for the interpretation and use of sensor data in decision-making processes
** Distributed data processing
** Distributed signal processing
** Array signal processing
** Statistical signal processing
** Distributed query processing
** Distributed information processing
** Distributed algorithms for collaborative information and signal processing
** Task allocation, reprogramming and reconfiguration
** Coding and information theory
** In-network processing and aggregation
** Data analysis and visualisation
** Data storage in sensor networks
** Data retrieval
** Data dissemination
** Data compression and aggregation
** Data transport in wireless sensor networks
** Data gathering and fusion in wireless sensor networks
** Theories and models on fundamental information and communication aspects of sensor networks
** Redundancy
Techniques for the interpretation and use of sensor data in decision-making processes
* DISN: Deployments and Implementations of Sensor Networks
Distributed data processing
** Methods for sensor networks deployment
Distributed signal processing
** Practical implementations and real-world experiences
Array signal processing
** Real-life deployments
Statistical signal processing
** System implementation
Distributed query processing
** End-user aspects
Distributed information processing
** Operational experience and test-beds
Distributed algorithms for collaborative information and signal processing
** Industrial and commercial developments and applications
Task allocation, reprogramming and reconfiguration
** Measurements from experimental systems, test-beds and demonstrations
Coding and information theory
** Intelligent sensors, body sensors and their utilisation
In-network processing and aggregation
** Analysis of real-world systems and fundamental limits
Data analysis and visualisation
** Smart Sensors for building surveillance
Data storage in sensor networks
** Sensing in health care
Data retrieval
** Games using sensor networks
Data dissemination
** Peer-to-peer, overlay, and content distribution wireless sensor networks
Data compression and aggregation
** Use cases (e.g., Automotive, Battlefield, Defense, Construction, Disaster recovery, Environmental, Medical, Security, Biomedical, ** Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, etc.)
Data transport in wireless sensor networks
** Sensor networks for Rural and Agricultural environments
Data gathering and fusion in wireless sensor networks
** Sensors for railway systems
Theories and models on fundamental information and communication aspects of sensor networks
** Pattern Recognition
** Machine Intelligence
** Sensor-equipped Smart Environment
** Deployments in Harsh Environments
** Potential application areas
DISN: Deployments and Implementations of Sensor Networks
Methods for sensor networks deployment
Practical implementations and real-world experiences
Real-life deployments
System implementation
End-user aspects
Operational experience and test-beds
Industrial and commercial developments and applications
Measurements from experimental systems, test-beds and demonstrations
Intelligent sensors, body sensors and their utilisation
Analysis of real-world systems and fundamental limits
Smart Sensors for building surveillance
Sensing in health care
Games using sensor networks
Peer-to-peer, overlay, and content distribution wireless sensor networks
Use cases (e.g., Automotive, Battlefield, Defense, Construction, Disaster recovery, Environmental, Medical, Security, Biomedical, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, etc.)
Sensor networks for Rural and Agricultural environments
Sensors for railway systems
Pattern Recognition
Machine Intelligence
Sensor-equipped Smart Environment
Deployments in Harsh Environments
Potential application areas
The SENSORCOMM 2009 Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and on-line via IEEE XPlore Digital Library. IEEE will index the papers with major indexes. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to one of the IARIA Journals.
The SENSORCOMM 2009 Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and on-line via IEEE XPlore Digital Library. IEEE will index the papers with major indexes. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to one of the IARIA Journals.
Important deadlines:
* Important deadlines:
Submission (full paper) January 20, 2009
** Submission (full paper): January 20, 2009
Authors notification February 25, 2009
** Authors notification: February 25, 2009
Registration March 15, 2009
** Registration: March 15, 2009
Camera ready March 20, 2009
** Camera ready: March 20, 2009
Only .pdf or .doc files will be accepted for paper submission. All received papers will be acknowledged via an automated system.
Only .pdf or .doc files will be accepted for paper submission. All received papers will be acknowledged via an automated system.
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Once you receive the notification of paper acceptance, you will be provided by the IEEE CS Press an online author kit with all the steps an author needs to follow to submit the final version. The author kits URL will be included in the letter of acceptance.
Once you receive the notification of paper acceptance, you will be provided by the IEEE CS Press an online author kit with all the steps an author needs to follow to submit the final version. The author kits URL will be included in the letter of acceptance.
Poster Forum
==Poster Forum==
Posters on work-in-progress are welcome. Please submit the contributions following the instructions for the regular submissions using the "Submit a Paper" button and selecting the track/workshop preference as "POSTER : Poster Forum".  Contributors are invited to submit up to four-page papers, following the conference deadlines, describing early research and novel skeleton ideas in the areas of the conference topics.
Posters on work-in-progress are welcome. Please submit the contributions following the instructions for the regular submissions using the "Submit a Paper" button and selecting the track/workshop preference as "POSTER : Poster Forum".  Contributors are invited to submit up to four-page papers, following the conference deadlines, describing early research and novel skeleton ideas in the areas of the conference topics.
Technical marketing/business/positioning presentations
==Technical marketing/business/positioning presentations==
The conference initiates a series of business, technical marketing, and positioning presentations on the same topics. Speakers must submit a 10-12 slide deck presentations with substantial notes accompanying the slides, in the .ppt format (.pdf-ed). The slide deck will be published in the conference’s CD collection, together with the regular papers. Please send your presentations to petre@iaria.org.
The conference initiates a series of business, technical marketing, and positioning presentations on the same topics. Speakers must submit a 10-12 slide deck presentations with substantial notes accompanying the slides, in the .ppt format (.pdf-ed). The slide deck will be published in the conference’s CD collection, together with the regular papers. Please send your presentations to petre@iaria.org.
Tutorials provide overviews of current high interest topics. They should be about three hours long. One page with the title, tutorial summary, and a short bio are expected. Please send your proposals to petre@iaria.org
Tutorials provide overviews of current high interest topics. They should be about three hours long. One page with the title, tutorial summary, and a short bio are expected. Please send your proposals to petre@iaria.org
Panel proposals:
==Panel proposals==
The organizers encourage scientists and industry leaders to organize dedicated panels dealing with controversial and challenging topics and paradigms. Panel moderators are asked to identify their guests and manage that their appropriate talk supports timely reach our deadlines. Moderators must specifically submit an official proposal, indicating their background, panelist names, their affiliation, the topic of the panel, as well as short biographies.
The organizers encourage scientists and industry leaders to organize dedicated panels dealing with controversial and challenging topics and paradigms. Panel moderators are asked to identify their guests and manage that their appropriate talk supports timely reach our deadlines. Moderators must specifically submit an official proposal, indicating their background, panelist names, their affiliation, the topic of the panel, as well as short biographies.
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We welcome workshop proposals on issues complementary to the topics of this conference. Your requests should be forwarded to petre@iaria.org.
We welcome workshop proposals on issues complementary to the topics of this conference. Your requests should be forwarded to petre@iaria.org.
</pre>This CfP was obtained from [http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=3753&amp;copyownerid=1875 WikiCFP][[Category:Computer networking]]
This CfP was obtained from [http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=3753&amp;copyownerid=1875 WikiCFP]
[[Category:Computer networking]]

Revision as of 18:34, 24 November 2008

The Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
Dates Jun 14, 2009 (iCal) - Jun 19, 2009
Homepage: www.iaria.org/conferences2009/SENSORCOMM09.html
Location: Athens, Greece
Loading map...

Important dates
Submissions: Jan 20, 2009
Notification: Feb 25, 2009
Camera ready due: Mar 20, 2009
Table of Contents

The Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications

The SENSORCOMM 2009 (The Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications) is a multi-track event covering related topics on theory and practice on wired and wireless sensors and sensor networks.

Sensors and sensor networks have become a highly active research area because of their potential of providing diverse services to broad range of applications, not only on science and engineering, but equally importantly on issues related to critical infrastructure protection and security, health care, the environment, energy, food safety, and the potential impact on the quality of all areas of life.

As a multi-track event, SENSORCOMM 2009 will serve as a forum for researchers from the academia and the industry, professionals, standard developers, policy makers and practitioners to exchange ideas. The topics could be on techniques and applications, best practices, awareness and experiences as well as future trends and needs (both in research and practices) related to all aspects of information security, security systems and technologies.

Sensor networks and sensor-based systems support many applications today on the ground. Underwateroperations and applications are quite limited by comparison. Most applications refer to remotely controlled submersibles and wide-area data collection systems at a coarse granularity.

The conference has the following independents tracks:

  • APASN: Architectures, protocols and algorithms of sensor networks
  • MECSN: Energy, management and control of sensor networks
  • RASQOFT: Resource allocation, services, QoS and fault tolerance in sensor networks
  • PESMOSN: Performance, simulation and modelling of sensor networks
  • SEMOSN: Security and monitoring of sensor networks
  • SECSED: Sensor circuits and sensor devices
  • RIWISN: Radio issues in wireless sensor networks
  • SAPSN: Software, applications and programming of sensor networks
  • DAIPSN: Data allocation and information in sensor networks
  • DISN: Deployments and implementations of sensor networks

We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, implementations, running experiments and applications. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited topic areas. Industrial presentations are not subject to these constraints. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following tracks in sensor networks

  • APASN: Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Networks
    • Network planning, provisioning and deployment
    • Network Architectures for Sensor Networks
    • Network Protocols for Sensor Networks
    • Structural design
    • Distributed Sensor Networks
    • Dynamic sensor networks
    • Scalable and heterogeneous architectures
    • Hierarchical clustering architectures
    • Group-based Architectures
    • Network topologies
    • Mesh networking
    • Device centric sensor networks
    • Distributed coordination algorithms
    • Topology construction
    • Routing protocols
    • Routing Metrics
    • Distributed Algorithms
    • Attribute-based named nets.
    • Mobility and Scalability
    • Attribute-based named Sensor Networks
    • Query optimization
    • Self-organization and self-configuration algorithms
    • Reconfigurability
    • Time Synchronization
  • MAC protocols for sensor networks (801.11, 802.15.4, UWB, etc)
    • Location and time service
    • Integration with other systems
    • Distributed inference and fusion
    • Cross-layer design and optimization
    • Complexity analysis of algorithms
    • Sensor networks and the Web
    • Integration with other systems (e.g., Web-based information systems, process control, enterprise software, etc.)
    • Target tracking
    • RFID tags
    • Traffic scheduling
  • MECSN: Management, Energy and Control of Sensor Networks
    • Energy models
    • Energy optimization
    • Energy management
    • Power-aware and energy-efficient design
    • Power sources in sensor networks
    • Battery technology
    • Power management
    • Algorithms and theories for management
    • Communication strategies for topology control
    • Algorithms and theories for supervisory control
    • Sensor tasking and control
    • Distributed control and actuation
    • Location and mobility management
    • Bandwidth management
    • Distributed networked sensing
    • Resource provisioning
    • Resource management and dynamic resource management
    • Schemes to maximize accuracy and minimize false alarms
    • Online self-calibration and self-testing
    • Handoff and mobility management and seamless internetworking
    • Distributed actuation and control
    • Topology control
  • RASQOFT: Resource Allocation, Services, QoS and Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks:
    • Algorithms to support quality of service in sensor networks
    • Protocols to support quality of service in sensor networks
    • QoS/SLA in sensor networks
    • Provisioning of QoS in terms of bandwidth and delay assurance
    • System services and distributed services in sensor networks
    • Delay tolerant networks and opportunistic networking
    • Failure resilience and fault isolation
    • Information assurance in sensor networks
    • Fault tolerance and reliability
    • Admission control
    • Resource allocation and fairness
    • Real-time resource scheduling
    • Scheduling and optimisation
    • Capacity planning
  • PESMOSN: Performance, Simulation and Modelling of Sensor Networks
    • Performance measurement of sensor networks
    • Performance evaluation and analysis of sensor networks
    • Performance comparison on capacity, coverage and connectivity
    • Modelling techniques of sensor networks
    • Validation of sensor network architectures
    • Simulation and theoretical analysis
    • Simulation software tools and environments
    • Theoretical performance analysis: complexity, correctness and scalability.
    • Design, simulation and optimization tools for deployment and operation
    • Platform modelling and analysis tools
    • Analytical, mobility and validation models
    • System debugging and testing
  • SEMOSN: Security and Monitoring of Sensor Networks
    • Security and privacy in sensor networks
    • Reliability aspects in sensor networks
    • Monitoring distributed sensor networks
    • Mechanisms for authentication
    • Secure communication in sensor networks
    • Encryption algorithms for sensor networks
    • Sensor secure management
    • Data integrity
    • Trustworthiness issues in sensor networks
    • Trade-off analysis
  • SECSED: Sensor Circuits and Sensor Devices
    • Methods for sensor deployment
    • Instrumentation and models for deployment of sensors networks
    • Sensor architecture
    • Abstractions for modular design
    • Design and deployment of embedded system platforms
    • Embedded architectures and tools
    • Embedded processors
    • Embedded chip design
    • Micro and Nano devices
    • Biosensors
    • Optical sensors
    • Smart sensors
    • Acoustic Sensors
    • Microwave sensors
    • Middleware design
    • Sensor Prototypes
    • Sensor node components
    • Sensor interfaces
    • Actuators
    • Independent Component Analysis
    • Design of cost effective and economical sensors
    • Smart Material Applications to design sensors
    • Microfabrication Technologies for Microsystem Integration
    • Integration of sensors into engineered systems
    • Hardware platforms
    • Test-beds incorporating multiple sensors
    • Operating system and middleware support
  • RIWISN: Radio Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks
    • Wireless Sensor Communications
    • Network connectivity & longevity
    • Tracking objects
    • Geo-location problems
    • Network coverage
    • Algorithms for sensor localization and tracking
    • Detection, classification and estimation
    • Physical layer impact on higher level protocols
    • Directional and smart antennas for sensor networks
    • Coverage maintenance
    • Transceiver and antenna design
    • Ubiquitous wireless connectivity
  • SAPSN: Software, Applications and Programming of Sensor Networks
    • Applications and demonstrations of sensor networks
    • Software platforms and development tools
    • Architectural design and optimization tools for sensor nodes
    • Computation and programming models of sensor networks
    • Languages and operating systems of Sensors
    • Programming and Interfacing
    • Programming abstraction
    • Programming models for sensors
    • Programming methodology for sensor environments
    • Intelligent sensor theory and applications
    • Machine learning applications to sensor networks
    • Wireless sensor applications
    • Applications for sensor network management.
    • Software tools for chip programming
    • Application requirements
    • Application evaluation and comparison
    • Demos and prototype testing
  • DAIPSN: Data Allocation and Information Processing in Sensor Networks
    • Techniques for the interpretation and use of sensor data in decision-making processes
    • Distributed data processing
    • Distributed signal processing
    • Array signal processing
    • Statistical signal processing
    • Distributed query processing
    • Distributed information processing
    • Distributed algorithms for collaborative information and signal processing
    • Task allocation, reprogramming and reconfiguration
    • Coding and information theory
    • In-network processing and aggregation
    • Data analysis and visualisation
    • Data storage in sensor networks
    • Data retrieval
    • Data dissemination
    • Data compression and aggregation
    • Data transport in wireless sensor networks
    • Data gathering and fusion in wireless sensor networks
    • Theories and models on fundamental information and communication aspects of sensor networks
    • Redundancy
  • DISN: Deployments and Implementations of Sensor Networks
    • Methods for sensor networks deployment
    • Practical implementations and real-world experiences
    • Real-life deployments
    • System implementation
    • End-user aspects
    • Operational experience and test-beds
    • Industrial and commercial developments and applications
    • Measurements from experimental systems, test-beds and demonstrations
    • Intelligent sensors, body sensors and their utilisation
    • Analysis of real-world systems and fundamental limits
    • Smart Sensors for building surveillance
    • Sensing in health care
    • Games using sensor networks
    • Peer-to-peer, overlay, and content distribution wireless sensor networks
    • Use cases (e.g., Automotive, Battlefield, Defense, Construction, Disaster recovery, Environmental, Medical, Security, Biomedical, ** Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, etc.)
    • Sensor networks for Rural and Agricultural environments
    • Sensors for railway systems
    • Pattern Recognition
    • Machine Intelligence
    • Sensor-equipped Smart Environment
    • Deployments in Harsh Environments
    • Potential application areas


The SENSORCOMM 2009 Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and on-line via IEEE XPlore Digital Library. IEEE will index the papers with major indexes. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to one of the IARIA Journals.

  • Important deadlines:
    • Submission (full paper): January 20, 2009
    • Authors notification: February 25, 2009
    • Registration: March 15, 2009
    • Camera ready: March 20, 2009

Only .pdf or .doc files will be accepted for paper submission. All received papers will be acknowledged via an automated system.

Final author manuscripts will be 8.5" x 11" (two columns IEEE format), not exceeding 6 pages; max 4 extra pages allowed at additional cost. The formatting instructions can be found on the Instructions page. Helpful information for paper formatting can be found on the here.

Once you receive the notification of paper acceptance, you will be provided by the IEEE CS Press an online author kit with all the steps an author needs to follow to submit the final version. The author kits URL will be included in the letter of acceptance.

Poster Forum

Posters on work-in-progress are welcome. Please submit the contributions following the instructions for the regular submissions using the "Submit a Paper" button and selecting the track/workshop preference as "POSTER : Poster Forum". Contributors are invited to submit up to four-page papers, following the conference deadlines, describing early research and novel skeleton ideas in the areas of the conference topics.

Technical marketing/business/positioning presentations

The conference initiates a series of business, technical marketing, and positioning presentations on the same topics. Speakers must submit a 10-12 slide deck presentations with substantial notes accompanying the slides, in the .ppt format (.pdf-ed). The slide deck will be published in the conference’s CD collection, together with the regular papers. Please send your presentations to petre@iaria.org.


Tutorials provide overviews of current high interest topics. They should be about three hours long. One page with the title, tutorial summary, and a short bio are expected. Please send your proposals to petre@iaria.org

Panel proposals

The organizers encourage scientists and industry leaders to organize dedicated panels dealing with controversial and challenging topics and paradigms. Panel moderators are asked to identify their guests and manage that their appropriate talk supports timely reach our deadlines. Moderators must specifically submit an official proposal, indicating their background, panelist names, their affiliation, the topic of the panel, as well as short biographies.

For more information, petre@iaria.org

Workshop proposals

We welcome workshop proposals on issues complementary to the topics of this conference. Your requests should be forwarded to petre@iaria.org.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP