WI 20162

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Revision as of 23:46, 30 May 2016 by Migalkin (talk | contribs)
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WI 20162
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
Dates 2016/10/13 (iCal) - 2016/10/16
Homepage: https://wibih.unomaha.edu/wi
Location: Omaha, Nebraska, USA
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Important dates
Submissions: 2016/05/10
Table of Contents

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Collective Intelligence

  • Agent Networks
  • Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC)
  • Behavior Modeling
  • Big Data and Human Brain
  • Complex Systems Modeling
  • Crowd-Sourcing
  • Digital Ecosystems
  • Digital Epidemiology
  • Distributed Problem Solving
  • Global Brain
  • Individual-Based Modeling
  • Knowledge and Information Agents
  • Local-Global Behavioral Interactions
  • Mechanism Design
  • Multi-Agent Systems
  • Network Autonomy
  • Remembrance Agents
  • Self-Organizing Systems
  • Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Systems
  • Social Groups and Dynamics
  • Trust Models for Agents
  • Ubiquitous Computing

Data Science

  • Algorithms and Computational Complexity
  • Big Data Applications
  • Big Data Infrastructure
  • Blog/Twitter Analysis
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Integration and Data Provenance
  • Heterogeneous Data Sources
  • Green Computing
  • Location-Based Data Analytics
  • Multimedia and Mobile Data Processing
  • NoSQL Data Stores and DB Scalability
  • Novel Data Representation and Transformation Methods
  • Online Content and Log Mining
  • Security, Privacy, Trust, and Legal Issues to Big Data
  • Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data Analytics
  • Sentiment and Opinion Mining
  • Service-Oriented Computing
  • Spatial, Temporal, and Graph Data Mining
  • Stream Data and Event Processing

Human-Centric Computing

  • Cognitive Models of WI
  • Computational Models of WI
  • Context-Aware Computing
  • Cyber Individual and Personalization
  • Emotional Factor
  • Intelligent Human-Web Interaction
  • Nature-Inspired Computing
  • Online Cooperative Work
  • Recommender Systems
  • Social Media Technologies
  • User Modeling
  • Virtual and Online Communities
  • Visualization and Visual Analytics
  • Wearable Technologies

Knowledge Management

  • Decision Making Under Uncertainty
  • Information Extraction from Deep Web
  • Intelligent e-Technology
  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Knowledge Bases and Semantic Networks
  • Linked Data Cloud
  • Meta-Knowledge Discovery and Representation
  • Ontology Engineering
  • Scalable Semantic Data Processing
  • Semantic Web
  • Statistical Inference and Transformation from Data to Knowledge
  • Web-Scale Information Analytics
  • Web-Scale Reasoning
  • Web-Scale Security, Integrity, Privacy and Trust

Network Science

  • Complex Network Analytics
  • Content-Aware Analytics
  • Dynamics of Networks
  • Information Diffusion
  • Intelligent Ubiquitous Web
  • Internet of Things
  • Knowledge Community Support
  • Self-Organizing Networks
  • Semantic Networks
  • Sensor Networks
  • Situational Awareness
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Structures of Networks
  • Theories of Web Science
  • Wisdom Web of Things (W2T)


Important Dates


  • Co-Organizers
  • General Co-Chairs
  • Local Organizing Co-Chairs
  • Program Committee Members