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This template has maintainance issue and needs fixing see 30 , 209

This template is used for collecting data about some event. When inserted in an event's page, it creates a decorative table with much helpful information. It also takes care of annotating the given data semantically, so that users can easily find it or query it in other articles. Do not try to read this page's source code for learning table syntax – there are far easier ways of creating tables in MediaWiki.

To use this template, insert the following at the beginning of your user page. All fields are strictly optional and should be omitted if no data is given.

 |  Title=Full title of the given event
 |  Ordinal=Ordinal of the event e.g. 1 for 1st
 |  Type = One of Conference, Workshop, Tutorial, PhDSymposium, summer school, demo session
 |  Field = the primary scientific field of the event (additional ones can be added via [[Category:Scientific Field]] in the article text
 |  Series=Abbreviation of event series, in case the event belongs to a continuing series
 |  Superevent=Larger hosting event (e.g. conference of a workshop)
 |  Homepage=URL of the homepage
 |  Logo=Logo of the event
 |  Start date=November 9 2009
 |  End date=November 10 2009
 |  City=the city the event takes place in
 |  State=region (e.g. state/province) the event takes place in
 |  Country=the country the event takes place in
 |  presence=presence mode of event - choice of presence/online/hybrid
 |  Abstract deadline=deadline for abstract submissions (usually for papers that are to be submitted later)
 |  Paper deadline=deadline for submitting papers, a special kind of submission deadline; read the docu below
 |  Submission deadline=general deadline for (most relevant kinds of) submissions; read the docu below
 |  Poster deadline=deadline for submitting posters; read the docu below
 |  Demo deadline=deadline for submitting demo papers; read the docu below
 |  Workshop deadline=deadline for submitting workshops proposals
 |  Tutorial deadline=deadline for submitting tutorial proposals
 |  Notification=date of acceptance notifications
 |  Camera ready=deadline for submitting the camera ready
 |  Attendance fee = regular fee for attending the event
 |  Reduced attendance fee = reduced fee for attending the event (e.g. for students)
 |  Attendance fee currency = one of €, $ or something from Category:Currency
 |  Submitted papers = number of submitted papers
 |  Accepted papers = number of accepted papers
 |  Accepted short papers = number of accepted short papers

The order of the fields is not relevant. The template should be given as the first thing on a page.

A note on the various deadlines: In general, you only need some deadlines. The submission deadline should represent the single most important deadline for an event. If there is a paper deadline, it automatically counts as a submission deadline as well. The other kinds of deadlines are just relevant for events that accept many forms of contribution (e.g. papers and demos). If an event has just one type of submission (e.g. a developer's event might only accept demos) then use submission deadline since it is the main deadline and it is clear what kind of submissions are meant.