SANER 2018

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SANER 2018
25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
Event in series SANER
Dates 2018/03/20 (iCal) - 2018/03/23
Location: Campobasso, Italy
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Table of Contents

SANER 2018 - 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, Campobasso, Italy, March 20-23, 2018.

Important Dates


The topics of the submissions should be of direct interest to the software analysis, evolution, and reengineering community. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Software Analysis, Parsing, and Fact Extraction
  • Software Reverse Engineering and Reengineering
  • Program Comprehension
  • Software Evolution Analysis
  • Software Architecture Recovery and Reverse Architecting
  • Program Transformation and Refactoring
  • Mining Software Repositories and Software Analytics
  • Software Visualization
  • Software Reconstruction and Migration
  • Software Maintenance and Evolution
  • Program Repair
  • Software Release Engineering, Continuous Integration and Delivery
  • Education related to all of the above topics
  • Legal aspects


  • IWBOSE 2018
  • IWSC 2018
  • MAINT 2018
  • MaLTeSQuE 2018
  • VST 2018

Organizing Committee

   Home Organizing Committee 

General Chair Rocco Oliveto

Rocco Oliveto

University of Molise Italy Program co-Chairs Massimiliano Di Penta

Massimiliano Di Penta

University of Sannio Italy David C. Shepherd

David C. Shepherd

ABB Corporate Research USA ERA Track co-Chairs Jens Krinke

Jens Krinke

University College London UK Shane McIntosh

Shane McIntosh

McGill University Canada Tool Demo Track co-Chairs Mario Linares Vasquez

Mario Linares Vasquez

Universidad de los Andes Colombia Luca Ponzanelli

Luca Ponzanelli

Software Institute, Università della Svizzera italiana Switzerland Industrial Track co-Chairs Dongmei Zhang

Dongmei Zhang

Microsoft Research China Neha Rungta

Neha Rungta

Amazon Web Services USA REproducibility Studies and NEgative Results (RENE) Track co-Chairs Denys Poshyvanyk

Denys Poshyvanyk

The College of William and Mary USA Neil Ernst

Neil Ernst

University of Victoria Canada Journal First Chair Julia Rubin

Julia Rubin

University of British Columbia Canada Workshop Chair Takashi Kobayashi

Takashi Kobayashi

Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan MIP Award Chair Ahmed Hassan

Ahmed Hassan

Queen's University Canada Finance chair Damian Tamburri

Damian Tamburri

Polytechnic of Milan Italy Proceedings Chair Fausto Fasano

Fausto Fasano

University of Molise Italy Publicity and Social Media Damian Andrew Tamburri

Damian Andrew Tamburri (Chair)

Polytechnic of Milan Italy Fabio Palomba

Fabio Palomba

TU Delft The Netherlands Michele Tufano

Michele Tufano

The College of William and Mary USA Salvatore Geremia

Salvatore Geremia

University of Molise Italy Fiorella Zampetti

Fiorella Zampetti

University of Sannio Italy Local Arrangement co-Chairs Gabriele Bavota

Gabriele Bavota

Software Institute, Università della Svizzera italiana Switzerland Simone Scalabrino

Simone Scalabrino

University of Molise Italy Gianni Carugno

Gianni Carugno

University of Molise Italy Web Master Angelo Parziale

Angelo Parziale

University of Molise Italy