User:ZQS Data Science/Balazs

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Some Events in Hungary

 NameHas Keynote speakerHas location cityHomepageCW
CICLing 201718th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational LinguisticsBjörn W. Schuller
Marco Baroni
Iryna Gurevych
Hinrich Schütze
FSE 201119th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software EngineeringWilhelm Schäfer
Thomas A. Henzinger
Mary Shaw
Gábor Szabó
Luca de Alfaro
David Garlan
ProMAS' 2009Sixth international Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent SystemsBudapest  
ProMAS 2009Sixth international Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent SystemsBudapest  
WCNC 2009IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking ConferenceBudapest  
NOLTA 2008International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its ApplicationsBudapest  
AFL 2008he 12th International Conference on Automata and Formal LanguagesBalatonfüred  
NETWORKS 200813th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning SymposiumBudapest  
FIT 20082nd International Workshop on Foundations of Interface TechnologiesBudapest  
SLA++P'08SLA++P'08, Model-driven High-level Programming of Embedded SystemsBudapest  
SC 2008International Symposium on Software Composition 2008Budapest  
BIONETICS 20072nd Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing SystemsBudapest  
ETAPS 2008European Conferences on Theory and Practice of SoftwareLuke Ong
Tom Reps
GWC 2008Fourth International Wordnet ConferenceSzeged  
FCT 200716th Fundamentals of Computation TheoryAhmed Bouajjani
Oscar H. Ibarra
Philip Scott
László Lovász
CSL 200620th International Workshop on Computer Science LogicLuke Ong
Martin Escardo
Paul-Andre Mellies
Luc Segoufin
Miroslaw Truszczynski