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This property is of the datatype Text and it is being used to provide the acronym of an academic event or an event series.

It is a recommended property when describing an academic event or event series and it is needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite.

Usage guideline

This is only an unfinished example at the moment!

When using this property to describe academic events and event series, the acronym shall be copied from the original source of the event e.g. CFP or homepage.

For single academic events the pattern to adhere to is: acronym + one space character + year of the event (YYYY)


Showing 20 pages using this property.
3DUI 2020  +
3IA 2009  +
3PGIC 2010  +
4S4D 2017  +
5GU 2017  +
5GWN 2017  +
AAAI 1980  +
AAAI 1982  +
AAAI 1983  +
AAAI 1984  +
AAAI 1986  +
AAAI 1987  +
AAAI 1988  +
AAAI 1990  +
AAAI 1991  +
AAAI 1992  +
AAAI 1993  +
AAAI 1994  +
AAAI 1996  +
AAAI 1997  +