The property contains the following errors or warnings:
The import namespace "dc" is unknown. Please ensure that OWL import details are available via MediaWiki:Smw import dc
This property is of the datatype Text and it is being used to specify the full title of events, event series, journals, papers, organizations or projects.
This property aligns with The import namespace "dc" is unknown. Please ensure that OWL import details are available via MediaWiki:Smw import dc.
It is a mandatory property when describing an academic event or event series and it is needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite.
Usage guideline
This is only an unfinished example at the moment!
When using this property to describe academic events and event series, the full title shall be copied from the original source of the event e.g. CFP or homepage.
If the event is part of a series it should be checked whether the title fits the series pattern.
E.g. if a series begins with 1st ... of ACL , 2nd ... of ACL and continues with 3rd of Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) then ...