Unused properties

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This page lists unused properties that are declared although no other page makes use of them. For a differentiated view, see the entire or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. Abstract deadline of type Date
  2. Accepted papers of type Number
  3. DBLP ID of type External identifier
  4. DID of type URL
  5. DOI landing page of type URL
  6. Event status of type Text
  7. Event type of type Text
  8. Event type other of type Text
  9. Foaf:homepage of type URL
  10. Foaf:knows of type Page
  11. Foaf:name of type Text
  12. GND-ID of type External identifier
  13. Has location city of type Page
  14. Has location country of type Page
  15. Has location state of type Page
  16. Has subject of type Page
  17. Metadata author of type Text
  18. Metadata source of type Text
  19. Metadata timestamp of type Date
  20. Notification of type Date
  21. Owl:differentFrom of type Page
  22. Sponsor of type Page
  23. Submission deadline of type Date
  24. Submitted papers of type Number
  25. WikiCFP ID of type External identifier
  26. Wikidataid of type External identifier