ACEdu 2017
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ACEdu 2017 |
Title | Asian Conference on Education |
Start date | 2017/10/19 |
End date | 2017/10/22 |
Homepage | |
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Join us in Kobe this autumn for The Asian Conference on Education 2017 (ACE2017), October 19 – October 22, 2017.
- ACE2017 at a glance
The Asian Conference on Education 2017 (ACE2017) will be held in the beautiful port city of Kobe, Japan. Nestled in the Kansai region, Japan's historic, cultural and artistic heart, Kobe is within easy access of the metropolis of Osaka/Kobe, the former capital of Kyoto, and the spiritual centre of Nara.
Submit your abstract now to participate in this international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event.
- Location: Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
- Dates: Thursday, October 19 to Sunday, October 22, 2017
- Initial Abstract Submission Deadline: June 7, 2017
- Final Abstract Submission Deadline: August 7, 2017
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: July 6, 2017
- Final Registration Deadline: August 7, 2017
- Enquiries:
Already had your abstract accepted? Register now:
To find out more about registration packages, presentation options, conference events and more, please visit the conference website:
- ACE2017 Conference Theme: "Educating for Change"
Why are we in teaching and learning if not to be able to help enrich the lives of our students? Educational institutions at all levels, and of all types, should continue to strive for social change in today's world. Beyond the apparent simplicity of our conference theme, however, there is great scope for wide-ranging responses to the question of just how we go about educating for change, by examining the inherent challenges and responsibilities faced by educators the world over.
Education, too frequently, is the victim of politics, and, worse, sometimes ideologies. Politicians and bureaucrats devise and implement policies to effect change that range from curriculum structure and goals to manipulating budgets on behalf of interest groups and their lobbyists. Questions relating to accountability, transparent governance and community relations are too frequently avoided.
Within the classroom itself, bridging the gap between policy, theory and practice, whether traditional or virtual, teachers and professors de facto become, at varying levels, agents for change. Beyond providing students with resources for study in given fields, they also support them by often being seen as acting not merely as mentors, but also as role models.
These issues are part of the global transformation affecting all human civilisation. How can we as teachers function effectively in a very uncertain environment? How do we help to equip our students with the intellectual and existential tools they require? How do we narrow the gap between theory and practice? How do we make decisions about curriculum and course context in the face of political pressure and social norms? What is the role of interdisciplinary studies in educating for change? And, at the macro level, how can we stimulate awareness of issues such as education assisting the promotion of social justice?
This conference, part of IAFOR's global conference series on education, in its broadest sense brings together teachers, researchers and distinguished professors from around the world to share their insights. The goal is to broaden awareness of different contexts in the pursuit of synergies and solutions. We look forward to your active participation in this vital field of future-oriented academic activity of The International Academic Forum.
In conjunction with our Global Partners, including Waseda University and The Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT), we look forward to extending you a warm welcome in 2017.
– The ACE2017 Organising Committee (
- Programming
View programming:
View confirmed speakers:
- IAFOR's Grants and Scholarships
For information about IAFOR's new grants and scholarships for PhD students and early career academics, please visit:
- IAFOR Publishing Opportunities
- Peer-Reviewed Journal: IAFOR Journal of Education
The IAFOR Journal of Education ( is an editorially independent journal associated with ACE2017. The editor of the journal will select the strongest papers from associated Conference Proceedings for consideration. This Open Access journal, which conforms to the highest academic standards, reflects the interdisciplinary and international nature of our conferences.
- Conference Proceedings
After having your abstract accepted and presenting your research at the conference, you are encouraged to submit a full paper for inclusion in the official Conference Proceedings. Our Conference Proceedings are Open Access research repositories that act as permanent records of the research generated by IAFOR conferences. Further details are available here:
THINK (, The Academic Platform, is IAFOR's online magazine, publishing the latest in interdisciplinary research and ideas from some of the world’s foremost academics, many of whom have presented at IAFOR conferences. Content is varied in both subject and form, with everything from full research papers to shorter opinion pieces, interviews, podcasts, film and photography.
- Join IAFOR at ACE2017 to:
– Present to a global audience – Have your work published in the Conference Proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, Open Access journals – Hear about the latest interdisciplinary research in education – Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event – Take part in interactive audience sessions – Network with international colleagues
Lunch is included in all conference registrations. Please see the registration page for details:
- If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an
affiliated university or institution, we offer additional discounts in appreciation of your support. Please contact us at for details.
- About IAFOR
To learn more about IAFOR, please visit For enquiries please contact