CMO Journal 2009

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Acronym CMO Journal 2009
Title Chief Marketing Officer Journal Issues Call for Papers
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Chief Marketing Officer Journal Issues Call for Papers

New Publication to Commence Work on Second Annual Edition Slated for 2009 Release

BOSTON (June 9, 2008) - The Chief Marketing Officer Institute announced today a call for papers for its second volume of the Chief Marketing Officer Journal.  Scholars and non-academic specialist who have been researching issues related to executive leadership in the field of marketing are invited to submit their work for review. Submissions for this prestigious publication will be accepted online at through Friday, July 10, 2009.

Despite the uniqueness of the role played by the Chief Marketing Officer in terms of both organizational impact and complexity of leadership challenge, researchers are only beginning to lend insight into this increasingly important position, leaving practitioners to their own devices. To help fill this void, The Chief Marketing Officer Institute has created the CMO Journal to accelerate the pace of research and theory development , research interpretation and reviews, and critical discussion concerning all aspects of executive leadership within the marketing discipline. Submissions can be related, but are not restricted, to the following issues:

    * The financial impact of CMO performance
    * Firm-to-firm variances in CMO responsibilities and/or expectations
    * CMO relationships with intra-organizational peers
    * CMO-CEO dynamics
    * Developmental requirements for CMO success
    * Anticipatory theories on the future of the Chief Marketing Officer role 

Submissions will be peer reviewed by a distinguished panel of experts and selected for inclusion in the journal based on the importance of their contribution to marketing discipline, clarity, and suitability. The CMO Institute, which boasts the most comprehensive collection of academic research, white papers, and articles dedicated to the role of and leadership challenges facing senior marketing executives, is anticipating publication of Volume II of the CMO Journal in late summer 2009.

CMO Journal Submission Guidelines

All relevant papers that further the understanding of the role and leadership challenges of the chief marketing officer will be considered for publication. Each submission will undergo one or more blind reviews. Only complete submissions will be considered. Final, complete, manuscripts may be submitted at any time but must be received by the CMO Institute no later than Friday, June 5, 2008. Authors should comply with each of the following requirements when providing their submission.

    * Submissions must be thoroughly edited complete manuscripts (not proposals) in English, no more than 5,000 words in length, with only necessary figures and tables. 

    * Each paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word and include a cover page with the title of the paper, keywords, and an abstract of less than 300 words. 

    * On a separate page, a complete list and contact information of all contributing authors, including names, mailing addresses, email address, and phone numbers. A short biography of up to 50 words for each author is also recommended. One author should be designated as the corresponding author. Clear attribution to any research sponsors or organization(s), as applicable, is required. 

    * The main body of the text should be in Arial 10 point, single spaced and fully justified. Do not use multiple columns. Set the page size to A4 with 1 inch margins all around. 

    * Please use normal capitalization within the text and do not use bold face for emphasis. Italics are acceptable. All headings should use initial capitals only, excepting for use of Acronyms 

    * Please do not insert headers, footers or page numbers. Do not refer to page numbers in your text as these will be changed.

    * Figures and tables should be placed as close to their reference point in the text as possible. All figures and tables must have titles and must be referenced from within the text. Avoid color diagrams as the proceedings will be printed in black and white. Images must be inserted as picture files (.gif, .jpg, .bmp, .pct, .png, .psd). You may be asked to supply the pictures as separate files.

    * Please avoid the use of footnotes.  Endnotes are not permitted and papers containing them will be returned.  References should follow the Harvard referencing style, which means that primary references in the text should be in the format (Nugus 1999) and should then be listed at the end of the paper

    * Do not use more than three levels of heading and use the numbering convention: 

                    I. First Paragraph
                            A. Second Paragraph
                                       1. Third Paragraph

    * Figures and tables should be placed as close to their reference point in the text as possible. All figures and tables must have titles and must be referenced from within the text. Avoid color diagrams as the proceedings will be printed in black and white. Images must be inserted as picture files (.gif, .jpg, .bmp, .pct, .png, .psd). You may be asked to supply the pictures as separate files. 

    * References should follow the Harvard referencing style, which means that primary references in the text should be in the format (Nugus 1999) and should then be listed at the end of the paper. 

Before submitting your paper, please ensure that it has been carefully read for typographical and grammatical errors.

Papers submitted that do not meet the above criteria will not be accepted. Articles should be submitted to the CMO Journal editor through the "Submissions" tab on the home page. Authors may contact the CMO Institute at any time with questions, and/or to inform the CMO Institute of their intention to contribute an article by the submission deadline.

Terms & Conditions
By submitting an article or other written work to the CMO Institute you represent and warrant that: (1) the work you submit is original and that you are the sole creator of the work and have full power and authority to all ownership in the work; (2) the work you submit has not been previously published anywhere in its current form; (3) the work does not, and if published will not, infringe upon any copyright, trademark or other right of any third party; and (4) the work is true and contains no matter that is defamatory. You agree to cooperate with the CMO Institute in its defense of any action related to the work you submit. In addition, you agree to indemnify and hold the CMO Institute and its officers harmless from any and all claims, losses and expenses that are a result of your breach of the foregoing representations.

By submitting any work to the CMO Journal you grant to the CMO Institute an exclusive right to license and publish any and all work submitted in all forms of media now known, or hereafter devised, including but not limited to all print, computer, on-line, audio, video, Internet and other electronic media or publications in both the original and all foreign languages. You understand and agree that the CMO Institute shall have the full right and authority to edit, market, and distribute any work submitted in its sole and absolute discretion.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP