CSCW 2012
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | CSCW 2012 |
Title | 15th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing |
Start date | 2012/02/11 |
End date | 2012/02/15 |
Homepage | |
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The 15th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) 2012
- Innovative systems to support collaborative activity: group formation, awareness, coordination, telepresence, shared interaction, etc.
- New collective or collaborative user experiences enabled by social media, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, social networking, wikis, etc.
- Emerging issues for global, cross-cultural coordination and communication
- Innovative installations: CSCW and the arts, media, museums, other public spaces
- Studies of the introduction and use of technologies from social, cultural, and organizational perspectives
- Applying social science methods (ethnographic, experimental, empirical, etc.) to study and understand collaborative experiences and practices
- Novel methodologies and tools for the design and analysis of collaborative practices
- New theoretical approaches and frameworks for understanding coordination and communication
- Collaborative experiences enabled by mobile devices, location-based services, advanced sensing systems, and other emerging technologies
- Multi-player gaming and Virtual Environments
- Systems for emergency preparedness and large-scale rapid deployment (e.g. disaster response)
- Collaborative domains: Computer Supported Cooperative Healthcare, Human Robotic Collaboration, Education, Collaboratories, Government
- Studies exploring the appropriate balance between individual and collaborative work.
- Visions of future directions for CSCW
- Please explore the CFPs for each of the conference venues to find the right place to participate.
Important Dates
Venue: Papers & Notes
First version (Paper submissions still possible if you did not submit an abstract)
Submit by: June 3, 2011 (11:59 p.m. PDT)
Decision notification by: July 22, 2011
Venue: Revisions (Extended due to power outages)
Submit by: August 30, 2011 (5:00 p.m. PDT)
Decision notification by: October 21, 2011
Venue: Workshops
Submit by: July 8, 2011 (5:00 p.m. PDT)
Decision notification by: September 11, 2011
Venue: CSCW Horizon, Demonstrations, Panels, Posters, Student Volunteers
Submit by: September 9, 2011 (5:00 p.m. PDT)
Decision notification by: October 28, 2011
Venue: Videos
Submit by: September 23, 2011 (5:00 p.m. PDT)
Decision notification by: October 30, 2011
Venue: Doctoral Colloquium
Submit by: October 16, 2011 (5:00 p.m. PDT)