DEW 2017
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | |
Title | The Ontology Debugging and Evaluation Workshop |
Start date | 21/09/2017 |
End date | 23/09/2017 |
Homepage | |
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-- Second Call for Papers -- ***Submission deadline: July 17, 2017*** --
DEW: The Ontology Debugging and Evaluation Workshop @ JOWO 2017
September 21-23, Bolzano, Italy
Description and Scope
The Ontology Debugging and Evaluation Workshop (DEW) aims to advance ontology evaluation and the detection, understanding, and correction of errors in ontologies and ontological knowledge bases.
The scope of submissions sought includes, but is not limited to, such topics as formal methods, tools, and identification of particular challenges. Papers discussing ontology quality criteria, metrics, experimental results, particular cases, and lessons learned are encouraged.
The DEW organizers encourage variety in emphasis in perspective. Submissions may emphasize more or less formal, experiential, practical, or theoretical aspects of debugging and evaluation. Similarly, papers may arise, for example, from the perspectives of ontology (re)users, ontology developers, or those responsible for the quality assurance of ontologies incorporated into larger systems.
Relationship to JOWO
DEW is part of JOWO 2017: The 3rd Joint Ontology Workshops. JOWO 2017 will be held September 21-23, 2017, in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
Registration for JOWO 2017 grants attendees access to all ten workshops, plus invited speakers, joint panels sessions, and other collegial events. JOWO registration fees range between 90€ and 190€, depending on student status, IAOA membership, and date of registration. See for the details about the workshops, keynotes, social events, venue, and logistics.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: July 17, 2017 Notifications: August 14, 2017 Workshop: September 21-23, 2017
Submission Guidelines
DEW submissions must be in either short paper or full paper format:
Short papers: maximum 6 pages (including references) Full papers: maximum 14 pages (including references)
Papers must have not been previously published or be under review at another workshop. However, we encourage submissions that present summaries or highlights of work appearing elsewhere in longer form.
DEW submissions must also adhere to these guidelines, shared across all JOWO workshops:
Submitted papers must not exceed 14 pages (including bibliography) and must include an abstract of no more than 300 words. Papers should adhere to IOS Press formatting guidelines. IOS Press offers formatting tools for authors working in MS Word or in LaTeX:
Papers should be submitted in PDF format, non-anonymously, via EasyChair at, specifying DEW as the track.
Accepted papers will be published open-access in the joint JOWO proceedings (a CEUR volume).
Rafael Peñaloza (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano) Amanda Vizedom (Criticollab)
Program Committee:
Alan Belasco (Securboration) Francesco Corcoglioniti (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) Michael Grüninger (University of Toronto) Yevgeny Kazakov (Ulm University) Carlos Mencía (University of Oviedo) Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Nuance Communications) Lydia Pintscher (Wikimedia Germany) María Poveda Villalón (Politécnica de Madrid) Uli Sattler (University of Manchester) Jodi Schneider (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Renata Wassermann (University of Sao Paulo)
Dr. Rafael Peñaloza Assistant Professor KRDB - Faculty of Computer Science Free University of Bozen-Bolzano I-39100 Bolzano, Italy e-mail: home: