DISC 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym DISC 2009
Title 23rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing
Start date Sep 23, 2009
End date Sep 25, 2009
Homepage disc2009.gsyc.es
... ...


Original contributions to the theory, design, analysis, implementation,
or application of distributed systems and networks are solicited.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* distributed algorithms and their complexity
* concurrent programming, synchronization, shared and transactional memory
* multiprocessors and multi-cores, architectures and algorithms
* fault tolerance, reliability, availability
* game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
* self-stabilizing, self-organizing, and autonomic systems
* communication networks: protocols, architectures, services, applications
* sensor, mobile, mesh, and ad-hoc networks
* security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols
* tools and methodologies for specification, semantics, verification, and   testing
* distributed computing issues in the Internet and the world-wide web
* distributed operating systems, middleware platforms, and database systems
* peer-to-peer systems, overlay networks, distributed data management



The program will include keynote lectures, regular presentations, and brief
announcements of 5 to 10 minutes. Satellite workshops and a tutorial on
cloud computing will be held on the days before and after DISC (September 22 and 26).

Regular presentations of 25 minutes will be accompanied by papers of up to
15 pages in the proceedings. This form is intended for contributions reporting on
original research, submitted exclusively to this conference.

Brief announcements of 5 to 10 minutes will be accompanied by two page abstracts
in the proceedings. This format is a forum for brief communications, which may
be published in other conferences.

Invited speakers
Lorenzo Alvisi, UT Austin
Nir Shavit, Tel Aviv University
Willy Zwaenepoel, EPFL



Papers are to be submitted electronically, following the guidelines
available on the conference web page. Authors unable to submit electronically
should contact the program chair to receive instructions.

Every submission should be in English, in .ps or .pdf format, and begin with
a cover page (not a cover letter) including:
(1) the title,
(2) the names of all authors and their affiliations,
(3) contact author's postal address, email address, and telephone number,
(4) a brief, one paragraph abstract of the paper,
(5) information whether the paper is a regular submission, or a brief
announcement submission, and
(6) information whether the submission should be considered for the best
student paper award.

A submission for a regular presentation must report on original research,
which has not previously appeared, and has not been concurrently submitted
to a journal or conference with published proceedings. Any partial overlap
with a published or concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated.
A regular submission should be no longer than 4500 words and not exceed 10
single-column pages using at least 11 point font on letter paper (excluding 
cover page and references). Additional details may be included in a clearly
marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee.
A brief announcement submission should not exceed 3 pages in the same format.
Submissions deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without 
consideration of their merits. Papers outside of the conference scope will 
be rejected without review.

If requested by the authors on the cover page, a regular submission that is
not selected for a regular presentation can also be considered for the brief
announcement format. Such a request will not affect consideration of the paper
for a regular presentation


The symposium proceedings will be published by Springer in its LNCS series.
Extended and revised versions of selected papers will be considered for a
special issue of the Distributed Computing journal.


Prizes will be given to the best paper and the best student paper.
A paper is eligible for the best student paper award if at least
one of its authors is a full-time student at the time of submission.
This must be indicated in the cover page. The program committee may
decline to offer the awards or may split each one of them.

Conference committees

Program Committee
  Ittai Abraham, Microsoft Research SVC
  Yehuda Afek, Tel-Aviv University and Cisco
  Marcos K. Aguilera, Microsoft Research SVC
  James Aspnes, Yale
  Christian Cachin, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
  Gregory V. Chockler, IBM Haifa Research Laboratory
  Carole Delporte Gallet, University of Paris Diderot
  Pascal Felber, University of Neuchatel
  Seth Gilbert, EPFL
  Danny Hendler, Ben-Gurion University
  Ricardo Jimenez-Peris, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
  Idit Keidar (Chair), Technion
  Zvi Lotker, Ben-Gurion University
  Thomas Moscibroda, Microsoft Research
  David Peleg, Weizmann Institute
  Eric Ruppert, York University
  Elad M. Schiller, Chalmers University
  Mark R. Tuttle, Intel
  Robbert van Renesse, Cornell University
  Jay J. Wylie, HP Labs
  Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research Asia

Organizing Committee
  Sergio Arevalo Vinuales, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  Vicent Cholvi Juan (Co-chair), Universitat Jaume I
  Juan Echague, Universitat Jaume I
  Antonio Fernandez Anta (Co-chair), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  Vicente Galiano Ibarra, Universidad Miguel Hernandez
  Pedro de las Heras Quiros, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  Ernesto Jimenez Merino, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
  Flavio Junqueira, Yahoo! Research
  Mikel Larrea Alava, The University of the Basque Country
  Miguel A. Mosteiro, Rutgers University and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  Francesc Munoz-Escoi, Polytechnic University of Valencia
  Luis Rodero-Merino, Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo

Steering Committee
  Antonio Fernandez Anta, Rey Juan Carlos University
  Chryssis Georgiou, University of Cyprus
  Rachid Guerraoui (Chair), EPFL
  Idit Keidar, Technion
  Andrzej Pelc, University of Quebec
  Nicola Santoro, Carleton University
  Gadi Taubenfeld, IDC Herzliya

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP