DataX 2008

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym DataX 2008
Title Third International Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web
Start date Mar 25, 2008
End date Mar 25, 2008
... ...

Following the main themes of the EDBT conference, data management constitutes the essential enabling technology for scientific, engineering, business, and social communities. Peer-to-peer architectures, the Grid, personal information systems, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, networked sensors, biomedical informatics, virtual digital libraries, semantic virtual communities, database services and trust management are examples of the great challenges that drive research and development of the next generation of database technology. Our belief is that XML is the main means towards this new generation of data management systems. Following the experience of previous editions of DataX 2004 and DataX 2006, in DataX 2008 we will discuss new and interesting applications, and the integration of XML and database technologies.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together academics, practitioners, users and vendors to discuss recent achievements, relevant problems and open issues on the boundary of database and XML technologies in all these environments. The workshop will provide the opportunity to debate new issues and outline directions for research and development.

We invite contributions from researchers and practitioners. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    * Methodology and tools for XML schema and DTD design
    * Interchange and integration of XML data
    * Semantic interoperability on the Web
    * XML retrieval in P2P systems
    * Metrics and quality measures for XML documents and schemas
    * Storage and compression of XML data
    * Indexing and retrieval of XML data
    * Query processing over XML data
    * Benchmarks and performance using XML/Web-databases
    * Security and privacy of XML exchange
    * XML for bioinformatics
    * Outsourced XML databases
    * Convergence of XML and other disciplines (like decision support, information retrieval, and Semantic Web)

Paper Submission

Workshop submissions must be in electronic form using Portable Document Format (.pdf), or PostScript (.ps). Papers should not be more than 8 pages in length. Papers should be formatted according to the ACM proceedings format, using one of the templates listed at the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates web site (
All submitted papers will be judged on their quality and relevance. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop to present their work.

Accepted papers will appear in the informal proceedings that will be distributed during the workshop. Post-proceedings of the revised papers will be published by ACM Digital Libraries.
Further details about post-proceedings publication will be given soon.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: 	December 7, 2007
Paper Submission Deadline: 	December 14, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: 	January 31, 2008
Camera Ready Copy: 	February 15, 2008
Workshop: 	March 25, 2008

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