EBICC 2009
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | EBICC 2009 |
Title | Brazilian International Meeting of Cognitive Science |
Start date | Sep 2, 2009 |
End date | Sep 4, 2009 |
Homepage | ebicc2009.fee.unicamp.br |
... | ... |
Call for Papers - Brazilian International Meeting of Cognitive Science, EBICC 2009 (Cognitive Technologies: Interdisciplinarity and Convergence) September 2-4, 2009, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil http://ebicc2009.fee.unicamp.br * Deadline for submissions: April 2, 2009 Why and how does the use of cognitive technologies and artifacts (the objects we call 'mind tools') change cognition fundamentally? How these objects affect, and feed back into, cognitive processes? What can we learn about the evolution of mind by studying how it externalises itself? How the design of new cognitive technologies can benefit from these results ? How the many approaches and perspectives should converge in order to be integrated to explain the distributed an externalized nature of cognitive processes ? This conference is a place to explore the theme of cognitive technologies and artifacts, as well as the use of designed artifacts to maximize cognitive activities. The conference is a cross-disciplinary forum which brings together researchers and practitioners to discuss the nature and future of extended cognitive processes modeling and design. In professional and disciplinary terms, the Conference traverse a broad sweep to construct a transdisciplinary dialogue which encompasses the perspectives of: cognitive science, artificial intelligence, artificial life, computational neuroscience, cognitive anthropology, design studies, linguistics, cognitive semiotics, cognitive aesthetics, arts, psychology, e-learning, neuroengineering, synthetic neurobiology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of technology. ) Topics of interest include among others: • augmented intelligence • human augmentation • cognitive prosthesis • cognitive neural prosthesis • synthetic neurobiology • neurotechnology • ubiquitous computing • human-machine interfaces/interaction • immersive spaces • distributed cognition • embodied, embedded, extended mind • cognitive niche and artifacts • modeling and mental tools • smart environment • semiotic landscape • technologies and evolution of cognition artifacts, • creativity and abduction • distributed cognizers and collaborative cognition • epistemological and methodological issues Accepted papers will be made public in the website (abstracts only) and published in the Proceedings of the EBICC 2009, on CD-ROM (full papers). Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to be published in a tentative special issue of an international journal to be announced. ) Submission Instructions - Full Papers Papers must be written in English and may have a length of up to 10 pages, including tables, figures, and references. Papers must conform to the Springer LNCC/LNAI style. It is recommended that authors use Springer-Verlag template files (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html, section "Proceedings and Other Multi-author Volumes" for formatting instructions) to minimize possible conflicts of paper length when preparing the camera ready. Papers should be formatted in PDF, and submitted electronically only, through the EBICC2009 Conference Management System web site at [http://ebicc2009.fee.unicamp.br] Reviewing for papers will be double blind, i.e. blind to the identities of the authors and their institutions and to the identities of the reviewer. Please, EXCLUDE AUTHORS' NAMES AND INSTITUTIONS from the submitted manuscript, they will be included in camera ready versions only. - Panels Authors should submit an electronic version of an extended abstract (total word count: approximately 1000 words). The file should also contain a 300 word abstract that will be used for the conference web site/booklet. The submission process is the same as for the full paper, except that instead a full paper, the authors should submit an abstract in PDF. - Virtual Presentations For authors which for some reason will not be able to be physically present at the conference site, we are opening the possibility of accepting virtual presentations. This modality of presentation comprises the same rules as for full papers. The only difference is that virtual presenters should provide the conference organizers with an electronic presentation of their papers (an AVI or MPEG file), which will be projected to the audience during the time slot allocated for the paper. If possible, we recommend virtual authors to be available at Skype during their papers time-slot, so we can direct questions from the audience, just after the virtual presentation. We will be video-recording all the presentations, and they will be available for all conference participants after the event. Any other questions regarding papers submission may be directed to one of the organizers. *Chairs Ricardo Gudwin rgudwin [AT] dca.fee.unicamp.br, http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/~gudwin Dept. of Computer Eng. and Industrial Automation, FEEC, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brasil João Queiroz queirozj [AT] pq.cnpq.br, www.semiotics.pro.br Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brasil Graduate Studies Program on History, Philosophy and Science Teaching (UFBA/UEFS)
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP