ECCV 2008
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Acronym | ECCV 2008 |
Title | 10th European Conference on Computer Vision |
Start date | Oct 12, 2008 |
End date | Oct 18, 2008 |
Homepage | |
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ECCV 2008 10th European Conference on Computer Vision Marseille, France 12th - 18th October 2008 People: Honorary Chair Jan Koenderink General Chair Jean Ponce Organisation Chairs Edmond Boyer Peter Sturm Program Chairs David Forsyth Philip Torr Andrew Zisserman Administration Danièle Herzog Workshop Chair Frédéric Jurie Tutorial Chairs Nikos Paragios Emmanuel Prados Demo Chair Frédéric Devernay Video proceedings chair James Crowley Industrial liaison Théo Papadopoulo Conference Software chairs Jiri Matas Dan Vecerka Area Chairs Horst Bischof Andrew Blake Joachim Buhmann Stefan Carlsson Tim Cootes Alyosha Efros Mark Everingham Pedro Felzenszwalb Andrew Fitzgibbon Martial Hebert Aaron Hertzman Dan Huttenlocher Michael Isard Ales Leonardis David Lowe Jiri Matas Joe Mundy David Nistér Tomas Pajdla Patrick Pérez Marc Pollefeys Ian Reid Cordelia Schmid Bernt Schiele Christoph Schnoerr Steve Seitz Richard Szeliski Antonio Torralba Bill Triggs Tinne Tuytelaars Yair Weiss Chris Williams Ramin Zabih Conference venue: Palais des Congrès Parc Chanot Important dates: Paper submission 17th March 2008 Acceptance notification 19th June 2008 Camera-ready papers Mid-July 2008 Conference 12th-18th October 2008
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