EDBT 2019
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | EDBT 2019 |
Title | 22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology |
Start date | 2019/03/26 |
End date | 2019/03/29 |
Homepage | http://edbticdt2019.inesc-id.pt/ |
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EDBT: 22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology, March 26-29, 2019
The EDBT series of conferences is an established and prestigious forum for the exchange of the latest research results in data management. Held in an attractive European location, the conference provides unique opportunities for database researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore new ideas, techniques, and tools, and to exchange experiences. The previous events were held in Venice, Vienna, Cambridge, Avignon, Valencia, Konstanz, Prague, Heraklion, Munich, Nantes, St Petersburg, Lausanne, Uppsala, Berlin, Genoa, Athens, Brussels, Bordeaux, Venice and Vienna. Following the successful SIGMOD/PODS model, EDBT and ICDT are held annually as joint conferences, beginning in 2009. ICDT: 22nd International Conference on Database Theory, March 26-29, 2019
ICDT is a scientific conference on research on the foundations of database systems. Having a European identity, it is typically held in historical European locations; ICDT can be seen as the European version of PODS (the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems). Previous ICDT events were held in Rome, Bruges, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Delphi, Jerusalem, London, Siena, Edinburgh, Barcelona, St Petersburg, Lausanne, Uppsala, Berlin, Genoa, Athens, Brussels, Bordeaux, Venice and Vienna. Since 2009, ICDT is held annually and jointly with EDBT, following the successful SIGMOD/PODS model.