F/OSS 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym F/OSS 2009
Title The 5th International Conference on Open Source Systems (F/OSS 2009)
Start date 2009/06/03
End date 2009/06/06
Homepage oss2009.his.se
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Over the past decade, the Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) phenomenon has had a global impact on the way organisations and individuals create, distribute, acquire and use software and software-based services. F/OSS has challenged the conventional wisdom of the software engineering and software business communities, has become a useful instrument for educators and researchers as well as an important aspect of e-government and information society initiatives. F/OSS is a complex phenomenon that requires an interdisciplinary understanding of its engineering, technical, economic, legal and socio-cultural dynamics.

The goal of F/OSS 2009 is to provide an international forum where a diverse community from academia, industry and public administration can come together to share research findings and practical experiences. The conference is also meant to provide information and education to practitioners, identify directions for further research and to be an ongoing platform for technology transfer.


The conference will consist of research papers presentations,workshops, tutorials, panels, and project demonstrations. Authors are invited to submit papers and proposals on a variety of OSS topics, including but not limited to:

  • Software engineering perspectives: Challenges and opportunities
    • F/OSS architectures, configuration and release management
    • F/OSS development environments
    • Testing, assuring and certifying F/OSS quality and security
    • F/OSS usability, scalability, maintainability and other quality issues
    • Mining and analyzing F/OSS project repositories
    • Lessons from F/OSS for conventional development
    • F/OSS and standards
    • Open sourcing vs. offshoring of development
    • F/OSS and agile development
    • Tools and infrastructures for F/OSS development
    • Models of reuse
    • Architectures, patterns, techniques and processes for F/OSS development
    • F/OSS and distributed development
    • Documentation of F/OSS projects
  • Emerging perspectives: Lessons from F/OSS applied to other fields
    • Diffusion and adoption of F/OSS innovations
    • F/OSS and alternative intellectual property regimes
    • F/OSS, Open Science and "Open Knowledge"
    • Licensing, IPR and other legal issues in F/OSS
    • F/OSS and innovation
  • Social science: Understanding organizational and psychological issues in F/OSS
    • Diversity and international participation in F/OSS projects
    • Learning, knowledge sharing, collaboration, control or conflict in F/OSS projects
    • Dynamics of F/OSS project communities, building and sustaining
    • F/OSS historical foundations
    • F/OSS and social networks
    • F/OSS and social inclusion
    • Economic analysis of F/OSS
    • Knowledge management, e-learning and F/OSS
  • Studies of F/OSS deployment: Current studies and future issues
    • Case studies of F/OSS deployment, migration models, success and failure
    • F/OSS in the public sector (e.g., government, education, health care)
    • F/OSS in vertical domains and the 'secondary' software sector (e.g., automotive, telecommunications, medical devices)
    • F/OSS-compatible IT governance architectures
    • F/OSS applications catalog (functionality, evaluation, platforms, support providers, training needs)
    • F/OSS education and training
    • F/OSS, e-government and transformational government
    • F/OSS business models and strategies
    • F/OSS and the one laptop per child initiative

Important Dates

  • Submissions due: 1 November 2008
  • Results to Authors: 15 January 2009
  • Camera ready copy due: 15 February 2009
  • F/OSS 2009 Conference in Skovde, Sweden: 3-6 June 2009
  • Workshops and Tutorials: 3 & 6 June 2009
  • Main Conference: 4-5 June 2009

Instructions For Submission

Submissions are invited for original research papers and proposals for tutorials, workshops, panels, or demonstrations. Papers from student researchers are particularly welcome. The official language of the conference is English. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Full papers should be between 3000-5000 words not including references, and formatted following the template provided in the Author's Kit section. Each submission must include a cover page with the full title of the paper and the names of all authors. The body of the paper should include title, abstract, list of keywords and a complete list of references. Submissions should be submitted electronically through the conference website.

Conference Publication

Papers accepted for the conference will be included in the conference proceedings, which are published by Springer. Authors of accepted papers will be therefore be required to sign a copyright transfer (as well as register for and attend the conference). IFIP is planning a digital library to disseminate conference proceedings; details will be posted when available. The conference organizers are planning special issues related to the conference in the International Journal of OSS and in the Journal of the AIS. If such issue is accepted, selected authors of papers will be invited to submit revised versions of their papers for consideration for these special issues. At least one author of each conference paper will be required to register for the conference and to come to the conference to present the paper. All participants at the conference will be required to register and to pay the registration fee.
