GROW 2010

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym GROW 2010
Title 2nd International Workshop on GCC Research Opportunities
Start date Jan 23, 2010
End date Jan 23, 2010
... ...

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

                             2nd Workshop on
                        GCC Research Opportunities
                               (GROW '10)


                      January 23, 2010, Pisa, Italy

                 (co-located with HiPEAC 2010 Conference)

GROW workshop focuses on current challenges in research and development of
compiler analyses and optimizations based on the free GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC). The goal of this workshop is to bring together people from
industry and academia that are interested in conducting research based on
GCC and enhancing this compiler suite for research needs. The workshop will
promote and disseminate compiler research (recent, ongoing or planned) with
GCC, as a robust industrial-strength vehicle that supports free and
collaborative research. The program will include an invited talk and a
discussion panel on future research and development directions of GCC.

**** Topics of interest ****

 Any issue related to innovative program analysis, optimizations and run-time
 adaptation with GCC including but not limited to:

 * Classical compiler analyses, transformations and optimizations
 * Power-aware analyses and optimizations
 * Language/Compiler/HW cooperation
 * Optimizing compilation tools for heterogeneous/reconfigurable/
   multicore systems
 * Tools to improve compiler configurability and retargetability
 * Profiling, program instrumentation and dynamic analysis
 * Iterative and collective feedback-directed optimization
 * Case studies and performance evaluations
 * Techniques and tools to improve usability and quality of GCC
 * Plugins to enhance research capabilities of GCC 

**** Paper Submission Guidelines ****
Submitted papers should be original and not published or submitted for
publication elsewhere; papers similar to published or submitted work must
include an explicit explanation. Papers should use the LNCS format and
should be 12 pages maximum. Please, submit via the easychair system at the
GROW'10 website.

Papers will be refereed by the Program Committee and if accepted, and if the
authors wish, will be made available on the workshop web site. Authors of
the best papers from the workshop may be invited to revise their submission
for the journal "Transactions on HiPEAC", if the work is in sufficiently
mature form.

**** Important Dates ****

Deadline for submission: November 13, 2009
Decision notification: December 14, 2009
Workshop: January 23, 2010 half-day

**** Organizers ****

 Grigori Fursin, INRIA, France
 Dorit Nuzman, IBM, Israel

**** Program Committee ****

 Arutyun I. Avetisyan, ISP RAS, Russia
 Zbigniew Chamski, Infrasoft IT Solutions, Poland
 Albert Cohen, INRIA, France
 David Edelsohn, IBM, USA
 Bjorn Franke, University of Edinburgh, UK
 Grigori Fursin, INRIA, France
 Benedict Gaster, AMD, USA
 Jan Hubicka, SUSE
 Paul H.J. Kelly, Imperial College of London, UK
 Ondrej Lhotak, University of Waterloo, Canada
 Hans-Peter Nilsson, Axis Communications, Sweden
 Diego Novillo, Google, Canada
 Dorit Nuzman, IBM, Israel
 Sebastian Pop, AMD, USA
 Ian Lance Taylor, Google, USA
 Chengyong Wu, ICT, China
 Kenneth Zadeck, NaturalBridge, USA
 Ayal Zaks, IBM, Israel

**** Keynote talk ****
 Diego Novillo, Google, Canada

 "Using GCC as a toolbox for research: GCC plugins and whole-program compilation"

**** Previous Workshops ****


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