GWR 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym GWR 2009
Title German Workshop on Robotics 2009
Start date Jun 9, 2009
End date Jun 10, 2009
... ...

The aim of the two day single-track German Workshop on Robotics 2009 is to bring together leading roboticists from academia and industry with backgrounds in various subdisciplines of robotics to foster an intensive exchange of information and cross-fertilisation between these fields. Since the workshop is sponsored by the German Association of Robotics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Robotik, DGR) it is mainly intended for, but is by no means limited to, researchers from the German robotics community. The conference language will be English. Paper submissions on new methodologies, algorithms, hardware components, system architectures and interesting applications are solicited. To ensure academic quality, a highly selective review process will lead to the final agenda. In addition to oral and poster presentations of refereed papers, invited talks by internationally renowned researchers will complete the conference program. All presented papers will be published by Springer-Verlag as a hardcover book to achieve high international visibility.


Full-length papers with original and unpublished research in the following areas are of special interest (but are not limited to):

Mechanisms: Design of new kinematic structures, parallel kinematic machines, humanoid robots, hands, legged systems, reconfigurable robots.

Manipulation: Kinematics, dynamics, control, trajectory generation, contact modeling, dexterous manipulation, grasp synthesis, assembly, programming, sensor integration.

Mobile systems: Mobile robot control, motion planning, mapping, localization, SLAM, collision avoidance, navigation, exploration, task/mission planning, sensor integration.

Distributed systems: Sensor networks, multi-robot systems, networked robots.

Robotic perception: Tactile perception, range, vision.

Human-robot interaction: Safe robotics, haptics, tactile interfaces, tele-operated systems.

Estimation, learning, and programming: Bayesian techniques, modeling, imitation learning, programming by demonstration.

Medical robotics: Robot-assisted surgery procedures, smart surgical tools, cell manipulation, rehabilitation robotics, surgical simulation, soft-tissue modeling, task planning.

Paper Format

Full-length papers must be submitted in pdf format and may be up to 10 pages long (Springer style), including figures and references. Authors are encouraged to use the Springer LaTeX template, which is available in the author's area. Papers prepared with Microsoft Word will also be accepted. Authors may add video material to their submissions in order to illustrate the presented works.

Review Criteria

Submissions will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed by at least two program committee members. GWR09 will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for publication in some other book, journal, or proceedings, nor will it accept papers that have been published or accepted for publication in any archival medium. Authors are also expected not to submit their papers elsewhere during the GWR09 reviewing period.