AGILE 2009
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Acronym | AGILE 2009 |
Title | 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science |
Start date | Jun 2, 2009 |
End date | Jun 5, 2009 |
Homepage | |
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On behalf of the AGILE council and working groups, we invite you to participate at the 12th AGILE International Conference on GIScience, scheduled to take place in Hannover, Germany. The program will offer parallel paper presentation sessions, keynote sessions, plenary round table debates, poster sessions and pre-conference workshops to share your ideas, explore on-going research, future developments, including state-of-the-art applications, and to network with the professionals from academia, industry, and government who are interested in promoting GI teaching and research activities among GI laboratories at the European level. This year, for the first time, the conference will be held in parallel with an ISPRS workshop. The two events will take place at the same location, there will be selected sessions in common. In this way, we hope to encourage the exchange between researchers of the two societies AGILE and ISPRS for mutual benefit. Conference Topics Contributions are invited on all topics within the fields of geo-information, geomatics, geocomputation and remote sensing and image interpretation, including (but not limited to): * Geospatial Data Capture, Fusion and Harmonisation * Discovery and Retrieval of GI * Semantics of GI * Spatial Information Infrastructures * Location Based Services and Mobile Applications * Demographic and Socioeconomic Modelling * Environmental/Ecological and Urban/Regional Modelling * Health and Medical Informatics * Natural Resources Management and Monitoring * Disaster and Risk Management * Spatial Decision Support * Spatial Data Usability and Data Quality * Spatiotemporal Modelling and Analysis * Spatial Cognition * Geosensor Networks * Visual Analytics and Geovisualisation * GI Education and Training * GI Policy and Society, e-Government Special Topics Related to Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation * Earth Observation Systems: Issues and Applications * Lidar Processing Algorithms and Applications * Image Interpretation for Topographic Mapping * Image Analysis for Change Detection Authors are invited to submit full papers, short papers or posters. The accepted papers will be published in the Springer series: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Short papers will be published on CD. Important Deadlines - Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals November 30th 2008 - Full Paper Submission December 12th 2008 - Short Paper and Poster Submissions January 16th 2009 - Notification of Full Paper Acceptance January 23rd 2009 - Camera-Ready Full Paper Copies due February 10th 2009 - Deadline for AGILE Grant Applications February 27th 2009 - Notification of Short Paper Acceptance March 6th 2009 - Notification of Poster Acceptance March 6th 2009 - Camera-Ready Short Paper Copies due March 27th 2009 - Early Registration April 15th 2009 - Conference June 2nd-5th 2009
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