AIME 2015
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | AIME 2015 |
Title | 15th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
Start date | 2015/06/17 |
End date | 2015/06/20 |
Homepage | |
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The AIME 2015 conference will be a unique opportunity to present and improve the international state of the art of AI in Medicine from perspectives of theory, methodology, and application. For this purpose, AIME 2015 will include invited lectures, full and short papers, tutorials, workshops, and a doctoral consortium. Specific attention will be given in the main conference to the theme "AI methods and approaches to address big biomedical data challenges"
Important dates
• Regular and Short Abstract Submission Deadline: January 26, 2015 • Regular and Short Paper Submission Deadline: February 2, 2015 • Proposals for Tutorials: February 8, 2015 • Proposals for Workshops: February 9, 2015 • Notification of Acceptance: March 16, 2015 • Camera-Ready Copy Deadline: April 1, 2015 Program at a Glance June 17, 2015: Doctoral Consortium and tutorials June 18-19, 2015: Main conference programme June 20, 2015: Workshops
Organizing Committee
Program Committee Chair: John H. Holmes, University of Pennsylvania, USA Local Organization Chairs: Riccardo Bellazzi and Lucia Sacchi, University of Pavia, Italy Doctoral Consortium Chair: Niels Peek, University of Manchester, UK