ICBL 2009
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ICBL 2009 |
Title | International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Blended Learning |
Start date | 2009/11/05 |
End date | 2009/11/07 |
Homepage | www.icbl-conference.org |
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- Collecting experiences and needs of Education Institutions/Organizations in e-Learning
- Advanced strategies and conceptions
- Best praxis
- Advanced methods
- Regional differences
- Language learning
- Embedded learning and learning on demand
- Knowledge management and learning
- Quality assurance, sustainability
- Cost-effectiveness
- E-learning methods, methodologies, tools
- New learning models and applications
- Hypermedia design
- Environments and tools for e-Iearning / m-Iearning / life long learning
- Networks/Grids for learning
- Adaptive learning environments
- Tools for interactive learning and teaching
- Methods of content adaptation
- Pedagogical and psychological issues
- Blended Learning in
- Collaborative and Cooperative learning
- Evaluation and outcomes assessment Wikis, Webblogs etc
- Technical and theoretical issues
- Learning Objects and Reusability
- Platforms and authoring tools
- Applications of the Semantic Web
- Standards and style-guides
- Hypermedia applications and virtual reality
- Ubiquous computing
- Digital HDTV supporting learning
- Remote and virtual laboratories
- Real world experiences
- Mobile applications in learning
- Pilot projects / Products / Applications
The papers should be submitted using the Electronic Submission System, available at the conference website. Click here to see the template to be used for developing the papers. If unable to submit the abstract electronically, please contact the Chair. (acybis@gmail.com)
Important Dates
- 31 May 2009 Submission of full papers and short papers
- 31 May 2009 Proposals for demos, workshops, tutorials, exhibition
- 30 June 2009 Notification of acceptance
- 31 August 2009 Camera-ready due and authors registration
- 5-7 Nov. 2009 Conference ICBL2009
Dear Ed Kashi,I am a journalist in Germany, wriitng sometimes for a highly respected magazin for disabled people. It's so important that professional photographers and multimedia experts take care of issues which are often a little bit avoided by the public maybe because it's sometimes too hard to look at this reality. If you and your students manages that people look at such photos because you have found a language which creates compassion it's great.May I ask a request, please? Would you allow me to copy a photo (Nr. 5 with the grey car) for my blog in muschiol-sozial.de? I'd love to illustrate an article about your project and a link to your website? I love Nr. 5 especially because this photo from Anastasia Rudenko shows one of most urgent wishes of many disabled people: mobility travelling, being independant.Thank you for attention and please, excuse my poor English.Best wishes, Brigitte