ICCMS 2010

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym ICCMS 2010
Title The 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2010)
Start date Jan 22, 2010
End date Jan 24, 2010
Homepage www.iccms.org/index.htm
... ...

Call for Paper
The 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2010) is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Computer Modeling and Simulation. ICCMS 2010 will bring together leading engineers and scientists in Computer Modeling and Simulation from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: 

■Agent Based Simulation
■Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications
■Biomedical visualization and applications
■Bond Graph Modeling
■Chaos Modeling, Control and Signal Transmission
■Circuit simulation & modeling
■Computational and Systems Biologymm
■Computational Modeling and Simulation in Science and Engineering
■Computer Games and Simulation
■Databases and visualization
■Device simulation & modeling
■Discrete and numerical simulation
■Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation in Production, Logistics and Transport
■Emerging technologies and applications
■Finite and boundary element techniques
■High Performance Computing & Simulation
■Information and scientific visualization
■Interaction paradigms and human factors
■Internet, web and security visualization
■Knowledge-based simulation
■Modeling and Simulation Methodologies
■Modeling, Simulation and Control of Technological Processes
■Mathematical and Numerical methods in simulation & modeling
■Object-oriented simulation
■Parallel and distributed computing simulation
■Perceptual issues in visualization and modeling
■Process simulation and modeling
■Production, Logistics and Transport
■Prototyping and simulation
■Real-time modeling and simulation
■Simulation and Modeling in Molecular Biology
■Simulation Application in Industry
■Simulation in Industry, Business and Services
■Simulation of Complex Systems
■Simulation of Intelligent Systems
■Simulation, Experimental Science and Engineering
■Vision and Visualization
Benefits of the Conference
Keep up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.
Present your research within a unique forum.
Collaborate with experts from around the world.
Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.
All accepted papers will also be published in the conference proceeding by the Conference Publishing Services, which will be included in the IEEE Xplore and CSDL, and be submitted for indexing by EI Compendex and Thomson ISI.

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission                                       September 10, 2009
Notification of Acceptance                                    October 10, 2009
Final Paper Submission                                        November 6, 2009
Authors' Registration                                         November 6, 2009
Conference Dates                                           January 22 - 24, 2010

Submission Methods
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers including results, figures and references. Paper will be accepted by Electronic Submission System and by Email: iccms@vip.163.com. Prospective authors are expected to present their paper at the conference. 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP