ICEIS 2011
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ICEIS 2011 |
Title | 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) |
Start date | 2011/06/08 |
End date | 2011/06/11 |
Homepage | |
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Conference name: 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)
Venue: Beijing, China
Event Date: 8 - 11, June 2011
The purpose of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the advances and business applications of information systems. Five simultaneous tracks will be held, covering different aspects of Enterprise Information Systems Applications, including Enterprise Database Technology, Systems Integration, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Analysis and Specification, Internet Computing, Electronic Commerce and Human Factors.
ICEIS focuses on real world applications; therefore authors should highlight the benefits of Information Technology for industry and services. Ideas on how to solve business problems, using IT, will arise from the conference. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged. Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of ICEIS. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Both full research reports and work-in-progress reports are welcome. There will be both oral and poster sessions.
Workshops, providing a more interactive and focused platform for presenting and discussing new and emerging ideas or special sessions, dedicated to case-studies and commercial presentation are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat.
Conference Areas
Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:
* › Coupling and Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources * › Enterprise Resource Planning * › Middleware Integration * › Legacy Systems * › Organisational Issues on Systems Integration * › Distributed Database Applications * › Object-Oriented Database Systems * › Enterprise-Wide Client-Server Architecture * › Database Security and Transaction Support * › Data Warehouses * › Multimedia Database Applications * › Web Databases * › Mobile Databases * › Software Engineering * › Software Measurement
* › Intelligent Agents * › Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence * › Strategic Decision Support Systems * › Group Decision Support Systems * › Applications of Expert Systems * › Advanced Applications of Fuzzy Logic * › Advanced Applications of Neural Network * › Natural Language Interfaces to Intelligent Systems * › Bayesian Networks * › Evolutionary Programming * › Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems * › Intelligent Social Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence Applications * › Intelligent Tutoring Systems * › Datamining * › Case-Based Reasoning Systems * › Knowledge-based Systems Engineering * › Knowledge Management
* › Systems Engineering Methodologies * › Information Engineering Methodologies * › Organisational Semiotics * › Semiotics in Computing * › Requirements Analysis * › Ontology Engineering * › Modelling Formalisms, Languages, and Notations (e.g. UML, ER variants) * › CASE Tools for System Development * › Modelling of Distributed Systems * › Modelling Concepts and Information Integration Tools * › Business Processes Re-engineering * › Security, Freedom and Privacy
* › B2B and B2C Applications * › Process Design and Organisational Issues in e-Commerce * › e-Procurement and Web-based Supply Chain Management * › Market-spaces: Market Portals, Hubs, Auctions * › e-Learning and e-Teaching * › Intranet and Extranet Business Applications * › Agents for Internet Computing * › Web Information Agents * › Case Studies on Electronic Commerce * › Public Sector Applications of e-Commerce * › Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications * › Network Implementation Choices * › Object Orientation in Internet and Distributed Computing * › Internet and Collaborative Computing * › Semantic Web Technologies * › Wireless and Mobile Computing * › Agent-Oriented Programming
* › HCI on Enterprise Information Systems * › Functional and non-functional Requirements * › Internet HCI: Web Interfaces and Usability * › Design Methodology and Cognitive Factors in Design * › Multimedia Systems * › Machine perception: vision, speech, other * › Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality * › Intelligent User Interfaces * › User Needs * › Human Factors * › Accessibility to Disabled Users * › Geographical Information Systems * › e-Learning * › Computer Art
Keynote Sppeakers
Kecheng Liu, University of Reading, U.K. Paper Submission
Authors should submit an original paper in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, using the on-line submission procedure. The initial submission must have between 3 to 13 pages otherwise it will be rejected without review. Please check the paper formats page so you may be aware of the accepted paper page limits. The guidelines for paper formatting provided at the conference web ought to be used for all submitted papers. The preferred submission format is the same as the camera-ready format. Please check and carefully follow the instructions and templates provided. Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable.
Papers that are out of the conference scope or contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews. Please read INSTICC's ethical norms regarding plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
Remarks about the on-line submission procedure: 1. A "double-blind" paper evaluation method will be used. To facilitate that, the authors are kindly requested to produce and provide the paper, WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors. This means that is necessary to remove the authors personal details, the acknowledgements section and any reference that may disclose the authors identity. LaTeX/PS/PDF/DOC/DOCX/RTF format are accepted. 2. The web submission procedure automatically sends an acknowledgement, by e-mail, to the contact author.
Paper submission types: Regular Paper Submission A regular paper presents a work where the research is completed or almost finished. It does not necessary means that the acceptance is as a full paper. It may be accepted as a "full paper" (30 min. oral presentation) , a "short paper" (20 min. oral presentation) or a "poster".
Position Paper Submission A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. It is, nevertheless, important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. A position paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research (bibliographic, experimental, theoretical, or other) focused on one of the conference topic areas. The acceptance of a position paper is restricted to the categories of "short paper" or "poster", i.e. a position paper is not a candidate to acceptance as "full paper".
Camera-ready: After the reviewing process is completed, the contact author (the author who submits the paper) of each paper will be notified of the result, by e-mail. The authors are required to follow the reviews in order to improve their paper before the camera-ready submission. Publications
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in a LNBIP Series book. The proceedings will be indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index, INSPEC and DBLP. EI already agreed to index the proceedings of ICEIS 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. ICEIS 2009 and 2010 are under evaluation and ICEIS 2011 will be evaluated by EI after their publication.
Important Dates
› Conference date: 8-11 June, 2011
› Regular Paper Submission: January 25, 2011
› Authors Notification (regular papers): March 25, 2011
› Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: April 04, 2011
ICEIS 2011 will be held at the Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) in China. Founded in 1896, Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) is a national key university of China, directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. It is one of the first key universities authorized by the central government to confer master's and doctoral degrees, and subsequently to confer titles of associate professors, professors and Ph.D. Advisors. Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee
General Co-chairs Xuewei Li, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Kecheng Liu, University of Reading, U.K. Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal / INSTICC, Portugal Runtong Zhang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Program Co-chairs Zhenji Zhang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Juliang Zhang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China José Cordeiro, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal / INSTICC, Portugal Shifeng Liu, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
General Workshops Co-chairs Hanping Hou, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Slimane Hammoudi, ESEO Angers, France Olivier Camp, ESEO Angers, France
Secretariat Dan Chang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Yacan Wang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Vitor Pedrosa, INSTICC, Portugal
Finance Chair Bing Zhu, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Publication Co-chairs Hui Du, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Helder Coelhas, INSTICC, Portugal
Local Arrangement Co-chairs Xiyan Lv, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Jiayi Yao, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
General Special Sessions Co-chairs Juanqiong Gou, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Guowei Hua, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Publicity Co-chairs Jing Li, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Bruno Encarnação, INSTICC, Portugal Senior Program Committee
Albert Cheng, University of Houston, United States Andrea de Lucia, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna, Austria Pericles Loucopoulos, Loughborough University, United Kingdom José Legatheaux Martins, FCT/UNL, Portugal Masao Johannes Matsumoto, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan Marcin Paprzycki, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Alain Pirotte, University of Louvain, Belgium Klaus Pohl, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Colette Rolland, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France Abdel-badeeh Salem, Ain Shams University, Egypt Alexander Smirnov, SPIIRAS, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation François Vernadat, European Court of Auditors, France
(list not yet complete) Regular Program Committee
Abdullah Alnajim, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia Anjali Awasthi, Concordia University, Canada Steve Barker, King's College London University, United Kingdom Daniela Barreiro Claro, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil Hatem Ben Sta, Tunisia University, Tunisia Sadok Ben Yahia, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunisia Luis Borges Gouveia, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal Coral Calero, University of Castilla - La Mancha, Spain Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, New University of Lisbon, Portugal Gerardo Canfora, University of Sannio, Italy Maiga Chang, Athabasca University, Canada William Cheng-Chung Chu, Tunghai University, Taiwan Cesar Collazos, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia Jose Eduardo Corcoles, Castilla-La Mancha University, Spain Karl Cox, University of Brighton, United Kingdom Nuno de Magalhães Ribeiro, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy Kamil Dimililer, Near East University, Cyprus António Dourado Correia, University of Coimbra, Portugal Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany Antonio Fariña, University of A Coruña, Spain Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha, Spain Edilson Ferneda, Catholic University of Brasília, Brazil Paulo Ferreira, INESC-ID / IST, Portugal Juan J. Flores, University of Michoacan, Mexico Rita Francese, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy Ana Fred, Technical University of Lisbon / IT, Portugal Mariagrazia Fugini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Leonardo Garrido, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, Mexico Alexander Gelbukh, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico, Mexico Marcela Genero, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Joseph Giampapa, Carnegie Mellon University, United States Paolo Giorgini, University of Trento, Italy Raúl Giráldez, Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, Spain Pascual Gonzalez, Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha, Spain Gustavo Gonzalez-Sanchez, Mediapro R&D, Spain Feliz Gouveia, University Fernando Pessoa / Cerem, Portugal , Portugal Sung Ho Ha, Kyungpook National University, Korea, Republic of Maki K. Habib, The American University in Cairo, Egypt Yaakov Hacohen-Kerner, Jerusalem College of Technology (machon Lev), Israel Lamia Hadrich Belguith, ANLP Research Group, MIRACL, University of Sfax, Tunisia Abdelwahab Hamou-lhadj, Concordia University, Canada Christian Heinlein, Aalen University, Germany Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain Peter Higgins, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Wladyslaw Homenda, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Jun Hong, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom Akram Idani, Grenoble INP - Grenoble Institute of Technology, France Alexander Ivannikov, State Research Institute For Information Technologies and Telecommunications, Russian Federation Dimitris Karagiannis , University of Vienna, Austria Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University, Latvia John Krogstie, NTNU, Norway Stan Kurkovsky, Central Connecticut State University, United States Kauko Leiviskä, University of Oulu, Finland Daniel Lemire, UQAM - University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada Carlos León de Mora, University of Seville, Spain Therese Libourel, Lirmm, France Víctor López-Jaquero, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Christof Lutteroth, University of Auckland, New Zealand Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil Edmundo Madeira, Unicamp - Universidade Estadual De Campinas, Brazil Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University, Greece Farhi Marir, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Maria João Marques Martins, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Miguel Angel Martinez Aguilar, University of Murcia, Spain David Martins de Matos, L2F / INESC-ID Lisboa / Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal Katsuhisa Maruyama, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, University Blaise Pascal - LIMOS - CNRS 6158, France Subhas Misra, Harvard University, USDA, United States Paula Morais, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal Fernando Moreira, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal Pietro Murano, University of Salford, United Kingdom Tomoharu Nakashima, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan Paolo Napoletano, University of Salerno, Italy Ana Neves, knowman - Consultadoria em Gestão, Lda, Portugal Matthias Nickles, University of Bath, United Kingdom Jose Angel Olivas, Universidad De Castilla - La Mancha, Spain Rocco Oliveto, University of Salerno, Italy Hichem Omrani, CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxembourg Samia Oussena, Thames Valley University, United Kingdom Claus Pahl, Dublin City University, Ireland Rodrigo Paredes, Universidad de Talca, Chile Maria Carmen Penadés Gramaje, Technical University of Valencia, Spain Gabriel Pereira Lopes, FCT/UNL, Portugal Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania Paolo Petta, Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Kybernetik, Austria José Pires, Escola Superior De Tecnologia E Gestão, Portugal Ramalingam Ponnusamy, Vinayaga Missions University, India T. Ramayah, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Hajo A. Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Michele Risi, University of Salerno, Italy Alfonso Rodriguez, University of Bio-Bio, Chile Jose Raul Romero, University of Cordoba, Spain Gustavo Rossi, Lifia, Argentina Francisco Ruiz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Ozgur Koray Sahingoz, Turkish Air Force Academy, Turkey Jurek Sasiadek, Carleton University, Canada Manuel Serrano, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Isabel Seruca, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal Maria João Silva Costa Ferreira, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal Spiros Sirmakessis, Technological Educational Institution of Messolongi, Greece Hala Skaf-molli, INRIA Lorraine - University Henri Ponicaré, France Marco Spruit, Utrecht University, Netherlands Martin Stanton, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Stefan Strecker, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University, United States Lily Sun, University of Reading, United Kingdom Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland Sotirios Terzis, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom Theodoros Tzouramanis, University of the Aegean, Greece Michael Vassilakopoulos , University of Central Greece, Greece Belen Vela Sanchez, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain Maria Esther Vidal, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela Merrill Warkentin, Mississippi State University, United States Graham Winstanley, University of Brighton, United Kingdom Viacheslav Wolfengagen, Institute JurInfoR, Russian Federation Baowen Xu, Nanjing University, China Haiping Xu, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, United States Hongji Yang, De Montfort University, United Kingdom Lili Yang, Loughborough University, United Kingdom Lin Zongkai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
(list not yet complete)
ICEIS Secretariat
Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setúbal - Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 8816
e-mail: Web: