ICEP 2010

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isA Event
Acronym ICEP 2010
Title The 2nd International Conference on eCommerce, ePayments and New Entrepreneurship
Start date 2010/09/14
End date 2010/09/16
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Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to: eCommerce Applications - eBusiness Applications & Software - Security for enabling eCommerce - Web based Information Systems - Information Personalization - Search Engines and Intelligent Agents Regulatory & Policy Issues - Social Issues in e-Commerce - The Regulatory Environment of e-Commerce - IT governance - Trust & Security Issues in e-Commerce Services & Applications - eLogistics & Supply Chain Management - eGovernment - eProcurement - Business-oriented eCommerce - Retailing in e-Commerce - Mobile Commerce - Internet Banking & ePayment Systems - eHealth - eTourism - eLearning Global e-Commerce - eCommerce in developing/emerging economies - Barriers to e-Business Adoption - Infrastructure for eCommerce - Social Network & eCommunities - IT Investment & Economic Performance - IT Financing & Private Equity Industry - IT & Financial markets eBanking/ePayments eCommerce & Management - Managing Innovation & Entrepreneurship - eCommerce Strategy & Implementation - eCommerce Economics & Business Models - Online Auctions & Optimal Pricing - eMarketing - eHuman Resource Management eGovernance New Entrepreneurship

Important Dates

Send abstract paper submissions (format doc, docx or pdf) in English to no later than 30 April 2010 Notification to Authors: 15 May 2010 Early Registration: Until 15 June 2010 Final Camera-Ready Submission: 30 June 2010

Papers Standards

The Conference will be composed of several types of contributions (in English): Full Papers – These include mainly accomplished research results and have 8-16 pages at the maximum (10,000 words). Short Papers – These are mostly composed of work in progress reports or reflection papers (review recent literature to a particular problem or approach and provide suggestions) and have 4-8 pages at maximum (5,000 words). Doctoral Consortium - A Doctoral Consortium will discuss in group, individual projects of PhD students. PhD students should send a report of their work so far with a maximum of 4 pages (2,500 words).

Program Committee

General Conference Chairs Prof. Bernard F. Kubiak, University of Gdańsk, Poland Prof. Nahum Goldmann, JIBC Publisher, Canada Scientific Committee Members (confirmed list) Prof. Nikhil Agarwal, Europe Asia Business School, IN Prof. Ursula Braun-Moser, Universitat Stettin, Szczecin, PL Prof. Klaus Brunstein, IFIP President, Vienna, AL Prof. Philippe Callot, ESCEM, Poitiers, FR Prof. Witold Chmielarz, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, PL Dr. Dionysios S. Demetis, London School of Economics, UK Dr. Horst Gunther, Universitat Rostock, DE Prof. Jerzy Korczak, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, PL Dr. Antoni Korowicki, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, PL Prof. Dariusz Dziuba, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, PL Eng. Wiesław Migdał, President of UNICO, Katowice, PL Ireneusz Marganiec, President of Amadeus Poland, Warsaw, PL Prof. Wojciech Molisz, University of Technology, Gdańsk, PL Prof. Brian Morgan, UWIC, Caerdydd, UK Prof. Marian Niedźwiedziński, University of Łódź, Łódź, PL Prof. Celina Olszak, University of Economics, Katowice, PL Prof. Leszek Pawłowicz, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, PL Prof. Kazimierz Perechuda, University of Economics, Wrocław, PL Prof. Edward Szczerbicki, University of Newcastle, AU Dr. Ewa Szkic-Czech, Statistical Office, Opole, PL Prof. Zdzisław Szyjewski, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, PL Prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, PL Prof. A Min Tjoa, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, AT Dr. Janusz Wielki, University of Technology, Opole, PL Prof. Stanisław Wrycza, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, PL Dr. Ewa Ziemba, University of Economics, Katowice, PL


ICEP 2010 - International Conference on eCommerce, ePayments and New Entrepreneurship E-mail: Phone: (48) 58 523 14 52 Fax: (48) 58 523 11 55 WWW: