ICIAE 2018

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isA Event
Acronym ICIAE 2018
Title ICIAE 2018 : The 6th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2018
Start date 2018/03/27T12:00:00
End date 2018/03/31T12:00:00
Homepage http://www2.ia-engineers.org/iciae2018/
... ...
    • Overview of ICIAE2018

The 6th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2018 (ICIAE2018) will be held in Okinawa, Japan. ICIAE2018 is organized by the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers (IIAE). The conference offers keynote speeches, oral presentation session, poster session, video presentation, exhibition and other forms of communication and information exchange. Authors are invited to submit papers describing new technologies and trends for industrial applications related to the following topics, but not limited to.

    • Publication

All accepted papers, including papers for video presentation, will appear in the conference proceedings on the condition that at least one author should complete registration by the due date. Authors of papers for video presentation should send their videos to the organizing committee after the submission of their full papers. Selected papers will be recommended for publication in JIIAE (published by IIAE) or journals indexed by EI compendex Recommended papers will be formally published once they meet the quality requirements of the journals after an independent review, revision and modification process.

    • Important Dates

Submission of full papers 24 November, 2017 Notification of acceptance 15 December, 2017 Final paper submission 12 January, 2018

    • The Topics

1. Electrical technology 2. Electronic technology 3. Mechanical technology 4. Control technology 5. Sensing technology 6. Information technology 7. Network technology 8. Image processing 9. Assistive technology 10. Industrial design 11. Management and training for industries 12. Others