ICIP 2008

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym ICIP 2008
Title IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
Start date Oct 12, 2008
End date Oct 15, 2008
Homepage www.icip08.org
... ...

The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied image and video processing. ICIP-2008, the 15th in the series that has been held annually since 1994, will bring together leading engineers and scientists in image and video processing from around the world. Research frontiers in fields ranging from traditional image processing applications to evolving multimedia and video technologies are regularly advanced by results first reported in ICIP technical sessions. Topics include, but are not limited to:

    * Image/video coding and transmission: Still image coding, video coding, stereoscopic and 3-D coding, distributed source coding, image/video transmission
    * Image/video processing: Image filtering, restoration and enhancement, image segmentation, video segmentation and tracking, morphological processing, stereoscopic and 3-D processing, feature extraction and analysis, interpolation and super-resolution, motion detection and estimation, implementation and systems
    * Image formation: Biomedical imaging, remote sensing, geophysical and seismic imaging, optimal imaging, synthetic-natural hybrid image systems
    * Image scanning, display, and printing: Scanning and sampling, quantization and halftoning, color reproduction, image representation and rendering, display and printing systems, image quality assessment
    * Image/video storage, retrieval, and authentication: Image and video databases, image indexing and retrieval, video indexing, retrieval and editing, multimodality image/video indexing and retrieval, authentication and watermarking
    * Applications: Biomedical sciences, geosciences and remote sensing, document image processing and analysis, other applications

Paper Submission: Prospective authors are invited to submit extended summaries of not more than four (4) pages including results, figures and references. Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission at www.icip08.org.
Submission of extended summary:	January 18, 2008
Notification of acceptance:	April 25, 2008
Submission of camera-ready papers:	June 6, 2008

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP