ICTS 2017
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ICTS 2017 |
Title | ICTS 2017 : The 11th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System |
Start date | 2017/10/31 |
End date | 2017/10/31 |
Homepage | http://icts.if.its.ac.id/2017/ |
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Call For Papers
The 11th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and
ICTS is a technical co-sponsored IEEE conference and organized by Informatics Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia. This event is an international forum for computer science, information and communication technology community to discuss and exchange information and knowledge in their areas of interest. It aims to promote activities in research, development, and application on computer science, information and communication technology. As our previous events, the accepted publications will be be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in SCOPUS.
The scope of ICTS encompasses but not limited to the following: - Bioinformatics/Biomedical Applications - Big Data - Computer Network and Architecture - Content-Based Multimedia Retrieval - Digital Forensic - Distributed System - E- Learning - Enterprise Information System - Formal Methods - Geographic Information System (GIS) - High Performance Computing - Human-Computer Interaction - Image Processing - Information Retrieval - Information Security & Risk Management - Infrastructure Systems and Services - Intelligent Systems - Knowledge Data Discovery - Modelling Simulation and Applied Computing - Multimedia Application - Network Security - Parallel Programming - Pattern Recognition - Remote Sensing - Robotic - Software Engineering - Ubiquitous System and Infrastructure
The following information is provided to help you with the paper submission.
- The length of submitted ICTS paper is at least 4 pages and no more than 6 pages. - All papers should meet the ICTS template and the committee reserves the right not to accept and not to proceed any papers that do not meet this template. - All review processes are blind reviews. - To ensure the blind review process, please do not enter the author names in the paper that is going to be reviewed. Keep the author fields as is. The author names are required for the camera-ready version one. - The paper should not have page number, header or footer. - The paper should be written in English, including tables and figures content. The paper may be rejected due to poor English writing quality. - All papers are subject to plagiarism checking using iThenticate. The papers are expected to have similarity less than 30%. The papers may be rejected due to high similarity after checked with iThenticate. We will inform the authors about plagiarism checking results before review process to give authors opportunity to revise their paper(s).
We are using IEEE Conference Proceedings template and can be downloaded from
– Microsoft Word 2003 (A4)
– LaTeX Windows https://www.ieee.org/documents/IEEEtran.zip
– LaTex Bibliography files https://www.ieee.org/documents/IEEEtranBST2.zip
Follow this link for paper submission :
Without compromising the standard, we divide the paper submission into three (3)
sessions in the following :
Phase I : Submission Deadline – April 15th 2017 Notification of Acceptance – May 14th 2017
Phase II : Submission Deadline – June 1st 2017 Notification of Acceptance – July 14th 2017
Phase III : Submission Deadline – August 10th 2017 Notification of Acceptance – September 30th 2017 IEEEXplore and SCOPUS Indexed
IEEEXplore Indexing ICTS 2017 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE, therefore we have opportunity to include your submitted paper to be indexed by IEEEXplore. However, to ensure the quality of the paper, the committee will select papers that suitable for indexing. We define papers that are not suitable for indexing are papers that: – not presented or presented by someone who is not in the paper’s author list, – have poor written English.
List of our indexed papers by IEEEXplore – 2016 International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS) Indexing in process – 2015 International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7368257 – 2014 International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6996713
Scopus Indexing
According to IEEE Publication Policies, IEEE assures wide distribution of conference proceedings by providing abstracting and indexing of all individual conference papers for inclusion in worldwide databases (e.g. Scopus). The CPP makes every reasonable attempt to ensure that abstracts and index entries of content accepted into the program are included in databases provided by independent abstracting and indexing (A&I) services. Each A&I partner makes its own editorial decision on what content it will index. IEEE cannot guarantee entries are included in any particular database.
In three consecutive years, our previous conferences (ICTS 2014, ICTS 2015, and ICTS 2016) have been indexed by Scopus. You can check author profiles that listed as author in ICTS 2014 or ICTS 2015. You are also able to find that published paper in ICTS 2014 and ICTS 2015 are listed there. For ICTS 2016 itself, the progress of Scopus indexing is in progress on the right track.