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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym IET SEN SI EASE 2008
Title IET Software Special Issue on Empirical Approaches to Evaluation and Assessments in Software Engineering
Start date N/A"N/A" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
End date
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IET Software is seeking original and unpublished papers for a special issue titled "Empirical Approaches to Evaluation and Assessments in Software Engineering" to be published in June 2009. Software engineers find that experiments are difficult to perform. Furthermore, no experiment can be considered flawless no matter how well conducted. This special issue intends addressing this problem by motivating and encouraging software engineers to undertake more empirical studies along with discussing practical and methodological issues associated with evaluation
The aim of this special issue is to bring together researchers to share recent results on various aspects of empirical software engineering and evaluation studies. The special issue will foster further research, thereby leading to the emergence of creative ideas and practical solutions. Some specific topics of interest are, but are not limited to:

 experiments (laboratory and field)
 replications of empirical studies
 case studies
 observational studies
 field studies
 action research
 evaluation methodology
 systematic reviews and meta-analysis

Guest Editors:
Giuseppe Visaggio            Maria Teresa Baldassarre           Stephen Linkman
Serlab                       Serlab                             Keele University
Dipartimento di Informatica  Dipartimento di Informatica        Staffordshire
Universita degli Studi      Universita degli Studi di Bari    UK
di Bari, Italy               Italy

To submit a paper please go to and follow link to "submit". Please ensure you note that the paper is for the Special Issue.

Important dates:

Manuscript submission: October 30, 2008
First Decision to Authors: January 30, 2009
Revision due: February 28, 2009
Re-revision (if necessary): March 15, 2009
Final Decision: April 1, 2009
Publication of issue: June 2009

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP