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Name | Value |
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Acronym | INFOCOM 2009 |
Title | IEEE 28th Conference on Computer Communications |
Start date | Apr 20, 2009 |
End date | Apr 25, 2009 |
Homepage | |
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The 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Communications Society
- April 19-25, 2009, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL
The IEEE INFOCOM 2009 conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions to thefield of computer and data communication networks. We invite submissions on network architecture, design, implementation, operations, analysis, measurement, performance, and simulation.
Topics of interest
- Ad hoc mobile networks
- Addressing & location management
- Broadband access technologies
- Capacity planning
- Cellular & broadband wireless nets
- Congestion control
- Content distribution
- Cross layer design and optimization
- Cyber-physical computing and networking
- Denial of service
- Delay/disruption tolerant networks
- Future Internet design
- Implementation & experimental testbeds
- Middleware support for networking
- Mobility models & systems
- Multicast & anycast Multimedia protocols & networking
- Network applications & services
- Network architectures
- Network control
- Network management
- Network simulation & emulation
- Novel network architectures
- Optical networks
- Peer-to-peer networks
- Performance evaluation
- Power control & management
- Pricing & billing
- Resource allocation & management Routing protocols
- Scheduling & buffer management;
- Security, trust, & privacy
- Self-organizing networks
- Sensor nets & embedded systems
- Service overlays
- Switches & switching
- Topology characterization & inference
- Traffic measurement and analysis
- Traffic engineering, & control
- Virtual & overlay networks
- Web services & performance
- Wireless mesh networks and protocols
Important Dates
- Paper registration: August 22, 2008
- Full paper due: August 29, 2008
- Notification of acceptance: December 22, 2008
Preliminary Organizing Committee:
- General Co-Chairs
- J. Roberto Boisson de Marca (PUC-RJ, Brazil)
- Jim Kurose (UMASS, USA)
- Financial Chair
- Célio Albuquerque (UFF, Brazil)
- Local Arrangements Chair
- Rosa Leão (UFRJ, Brazil)
- Publicity Chair
- Jussara Almeida (UFMG, Brazil)
- Networking Facilities Chair
- José Rezende (UFRJ, Brazil)
- Technical Program Co-Chairs
- Edmundo de Souza e Silva (UFRJ, Brazil)
- Thomas Hou (Virginia Tech, USA)
- Don Towsley (UMASS, USA)
- Techical Program Vice-Chair for Information Systems (EDAS)
- Daniel Figueiredo (UFRJ, Brazil)
- Publication Chair
- Artur Ziviani (LNCC, Brazil)
- Tutorial and Panels Co-Chairs:
- Nelson Fonseca (UNICAMP, Brazil)
- José A. Suruagy Monteiro (UNIFACS, Brazil)
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP