ITS 2010
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ITS 2010 |
Title | Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010 |
Start date | 2010/11/07 |
End date | 2010/11/10 |
Homepage | |
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The use of interactive surfaces is an exciting and emerging research area. Display technologies, such as projectors, LCD and OLED flat panels, and even flexible display substrates, coupled with input sensors capable of enabling direct interaction, make it reasonable to envision a not-so-distant future in which many of the common surfaces in our environment will function as digital interactive displays. ITS brings together researchers and practitioners from a variety of backgrounds and interests, such as camera and projector based systems, new display technologies, multi-touch sensing, user interface technologies, augmented reality, computer vision, multimodal interaction, novel input and sensing technologies, computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), and information visualization.
The intimate size of this single-track symposium provides an ideal venue for leading researchers and practitioners to exchange research results and experiences.
We encourage submissions on (but not limited to) the following topic areas as they relate to interactive tabletops and surfaces:
* Applications * Gesture-based interfaces * Multi-modal interfaces * Tangible interfaces * Novel interaction techniques * Data handling/exchange on large interactive surfaces * Data presentation on large interactive surfaces * User-interface technology * Computer supported collaborative systems * Middleware and network support * Augmented reality * Social protocols * Information visualizations * Interactive surface hardware, including sensing and input technologies with novel capabilities * Human-centered design & methodologies
We invite paper submissions of two kinds:
* Papers (10 pages) and * Notes (4 pages)
Papers must present original, highly innovative, prospective and forward-looking research, possibly in one or more of the themes given above. Notes must also report novel and complete research, but where the scope and scale of the contribution is more focused and succinct than papers.
Submissions must be submitted as a single PDF file in the ACM format through the submission system. A template for submissions can be found online
All accepted submissions will be presented at ITS 2010 and appear in the ITS proceedings and be archived in the ACM Digital Library.
For submission deadlines see the important dates section.
Important Dates
Papers & Notes Submission deadline: June 23, 2010 Author notification: August 27, 2010 Camera-ready deadline: October 1, 2010