Infoscale 2009
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Name | Value |
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Acronym | Infoscale 2009 |
Title | The 4th International ICST Conference on Scalable Information Systems |
Start date | Jun 10, 2009 |
End date | Jun 12, 2009 |
Homepage | |
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---------------------------------------------------- INFOSCALE 2009 - Call for Papers June 10-12 2009, Hong Kong, China Technical-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Computer Society Co-sponsored by Create-Net and ICST ---------------------------------------------------- Overview As volume of data and knowledge keeps increasing, new methods, modeling paradigms, and structures are supported to efficiently mount scalability requirements. In the last few years, heterogeneous distributed systems proliferate, ranging from simple networks of workstations to highly complex grid computing environments. Such computational paradigms have been preferred due to their reduced costs and inherent scalability, which pose many challenges to scalable systems and applications in terms of information access, storage and retrieval. The fourth International Conference on Scalable Information Systems will focus on a wide array of scalability issues and investigate new approaches to tackle problems arising from the ever-growing size and complexity of information of all kinds. ---------------------------------------------------- Scope Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited. Technical papers clearly identifying how the specific contributions fit to an overall working solution are particularly of interest. The Fourth International Conference on Scalable Information Systems will focus on a wide array of scalability issues and investigate new approaches to tackle problems arising from the ever-growing size and complexity of information of all kinds. The conference invites original technical papers that were not previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Topics include, but are not limited to: Scalable Parallel and Distributed Information Retrieval Scalable Grid Information Systems Scalable Peer-to-Peer Systems Scalable Mobile Systems Scalable Web Services Scalable Sensor Networks and Systems Scalable Systems and Conceptual Modelling Scalable Multimedia Information Systems Scalable Data Mining Scalability Issues on Emerging Computing Architectures (SMTs, GPUs, Multicores) Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems Middleware Technology for Scalable Computing Information Security Architectures for Scalability Networking Metrics for Scalability Evaluation Metrics for Scalability Enterprise Information Systems and Applications Very Large Databases Compression Techniques for Scalability Optimizing Compiling Techniques for Scalable Parallel Systems ---------------------------------------------------- Important Dates Full Papers due: April 10, 2009 Notification of Acceptance: April 30, 2009 Camera-ready Manuscripts due: May 10, 2009 Conference Dates: June 10-12, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------- Submission Please access the link to submit your paper. ---------------------------------------------------- General Co-Chair Jiannong Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Program Committee Chairs Cho-li Wang, The University of Hong Kong Robert Steele, University of Sydney Tutorial Chair Xiaolin Li, Oklahoma State University Workshop Chair Alvin Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Publicity Chairs Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Lab Beihong Jin, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science Li Li, Communications Research Center Canada, Canada Local Arrangement Chair Alan Wong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Steering Committee Imrich Chlamtac, Create-Net Research Consortium Ophir Frieder, Illinois Institute of Technology
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