ATVA 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym ATVA 2009
Title 7th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
Start date Oct 14, 2009
End date Oct 16, 2009
... ...

                 7th International Symposium on
      Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
            14-16 October 2009, Macao SAR, China

The purpose of ATVA is to promote research on theoretical and
practical aspects of automated analysis, verification and synthesis in
East Asia by providing a forum for interaction between the regional
and the international research communities and industry in the field.
The previous six events were held in Taiwan (2003-5), Beijing (2006),
Tokyo (2007) and Seoul (2008). The proceedings of ATVA 2009 will be
published by Springer as a volume in the LNCS series.


The scope of interest is intentionally kept broad; it includes:

 -- Theory useful for providing designers with automated support for
    obtaining correct software or hardware systems, including both
    functional and non functional aspects, such as: theory of (timed
    and hybrid) automata, process calculi, Petri-nets, concurrency
    theory, compositionality, model-checking, automated theorem
    proving, synthesis, performance analysis,
    correctness-by-construction, infinite state systems, abstract
    interpretation, decidability results, parametric analysis or

 -- Applications of theory in engineering methods and other particular
    domains and handling of practical problems occurring in tools,
    such as analysis and verification tools, synthesis tools, model
    transformation tools. Techniques of reducing complexity of
    verification by abstraction, improved representations. Methods and
    tools in handling user level notations, such as UML. Practice in
    industrial applications to hardware, software or real-time and
    embedded systems. Case studies, illustrating the usefulness of
    tools or a particular approach are also welcome.

Theory papers should be motivated by practical problems and
applications should be rooted in sound theory. We are interested both
in algorithms and in methods and tools for integrating formal
approaches into industrial practice.

Submissions: Submissions to the conference must not have been
published or be concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All
submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution
to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the
conference.  ATVA 2009 calls for two types of contributions: RESEARCH
PAPERS and TOOL DEMONSTRATION PAPERS.  Both types of contributions
will appear in the proceedings and have oral presentations at the
conference. Papers should be written in English in LNCS format.

Research papers:
Research papers should contain original research, and sufficient
detail to assess the mer its and relevance of the
contribution. Submissions reporting on industrial case studies are
welcome, and should describe both strengths and weaknesses in
sufficient depth.  Research papers should be no more than 15 pages.

Tool demonstration papers:
Tool demonstration papers present tools based on aforementioned
theories or fall into the above application areas. Tool demonstration
papers allow researchers to stress the technical and practical side,
illustrating how one can apply the theoretic contributions in
practice. Tool demonstration papers should be no more than 6 pages.

Submission Procedure: Further information and instruction about
submission can be found at the conference website

Important Dates:
paper submission: 1 May 2009,
notification of acceptance: 15 June 2009,
final copy for proceedings: 29 June 2009,
ATVA 2009: 14-16 October 2009.

General Chair
Chris George, UNU-IIST, Macao

Program Chairs
Zhiming Liu, UNU-IIST, Macao
Anders P. Ravn, Aalborg University, DK

Organisation Chair
Antonio Cerone, UNU-IIST, Macao

Publicity Chair
Jun Pang, U. Luxembourg

Workshop Chair
Xu Wang, UNU-IIST, Macao

Sponsored by:
UNU-IIST, University of Macau
Macao Polytechnic Institute

Associated Events
 -- Workshops, 11-12 October 2009
 -- Tutorials, 13 October 2009

Keynote Speakers
Mark Greenstreet (U. British Columbia)
Orna Grumberg (Technion)
Bill Roscoe (Oxford University)

PC Members
Rajeev Alur (U. Pennsylvania, US)
Christel Baier (TU Dresdenn, ED)
Jonathan Billington (U. South Australia)
Laurent Fribourg ((CNRS, FR)
Masahiro Fujita (U. Tokyo, JP)
Susanne Graf (VERIMAG, FR)
Mark Greenstreet (U. British Columbia)
Wolfgang Grieskamp (Microsoft Research, US)
Teruo Higashino (U. Osaka, JP)
Moonzoo Kim (KAIST, KR)
Orna Kupferman (U. Hebrew, IL)
Marta Kwiatkowska (Oxford U., UK)
Insup Lee (U. Pennsylvania, US)
Xuandong Li (U. Nanjing, CN)
Shaoying Liu (U. Hosei, JP)
Hanne Nielson (DTU,  DK)
Kedar Namjoshi (Bell Labs, US)
Ernst-Ruediger Olderog (U. Oldenburg, DE)
Jun Pang (U. Luxembourg )
Doron  A. Peled (U. Warwick, UK)
Abhik Roychoudhury (National U. Singapore)
Natarajan Shankar (SRI, US)
Irek Ulidowski (U. Leicester, UK)
Mahesh Viswanathan (UIUC, US)
Farn Wang (National Taiwan University)
Ji Wang (NLPDS, CN
Xu Wang (UNU-IIST, Macao)
Hsu-Chun Yen (National Taiwan University)
Wang Yi (Uppsala University, SE)
Tomohiro Yoneda (NII, JP)
Wenhui Zhang (CAS, CN)

Steering Committee
E. Allen Emerson (U. Texas-Austin)
Teruo Higashino (Osaka University)
Oscar H. Ibarra (U. California-S.Barbara)
Insup Lee (U. Pennsylvania)
Doron A. Peled (U. Warwick, Univ. Bar Ilan)
Farn Wang (National Taiwan University)
Hsu-Chun Yen (National Taiwan University)

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP