LANC 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym LANC 2009
Title IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference 2009
Start date Sep 24, 2009
End date Sep 25, 2009
... ...



IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference 2009

Pelotas, Brazil, 24-25 September, 2009


The Latin America Networking Conference 2009 will provide an
international technical forum for experts from industry and
academia everywhere in the world, but especially from the
Latin American countries, to exchange ideas and present results
of ongoing research in networking. Topics include, but are not
limited to:


• Low cost access networks
• Sensor and actor networks
• Low rate communications
• National communication infrastructures
• Wireless communications
• PC computation
• Applications for productivity
• Internet based applications
• Web infrastructure
• Network management
• Network performance evaluation
• Network security
• Optical Communications
• Protocols and routing

Submission of papers that cover solutions of specific network problems of this
region of the world is especially encouraged.


Full paper submission:
April 24, 2009

Notification of acceptance:
June 19, 2009

Camera-ready copy:
July 17, 2009


Papers should be uploaded electronically, preferably in pdf format,
to the conference website:,
according to the format and instructions given.

For general questions, contact

Authors submitting a paper must state that it has not been published
before and is not being submitted elsewhere. Full papers should be
no more than 15 pages, 12pt, including figures, and should follow
the style indicated in the conference website.

The first page must contain an abstract of about 150 words, name
and affiliation of author(s), as well as the lead author’s postal
address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail.

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and
distributed to the conference attendees. At least one of the authors
must register for the conference by July 15, 2009 and attend the
conference to present the paper

Submitted papers must be in English; accepted papers must be
presented in English.


All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Acceptance will be based on originality, quality, relevance and the
practical value of the work.


All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library and
in a CD with its own ISBN. The CD will be available at the Conference

SPONSORED AND ORGANIZED by CLEI (Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios
en Informática) in cooperation with IFIP TC6 and ACM SIGCOMM

General Chair
Hector Cancela, U. de la República, UY

Steering Committee
Ramon Puigjaner, U. Illes Balears, ES
David R. Oran, CISCO, US
Ernst L. Leiss, U. of Houston, US
Greg Minshall, unaffiliated, US
Rodrigo Santos, U. Nacional del Sur, AR

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Ana Pont, U. Politécnica Valencia, ES
Gabriela Barrantes, U. de Costa Rica, CR

Organizing Committee
José A. Gil, U. Politécnica de Valencia, ES
Marinho Barcellos, U. Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, BR

Javier Baliosian, UDELAR, UY
Benjamín Barán, UNA, PY
Javiera Barrera, UTFSM, CL
Luciana Buriol, UFRGS, BR
Mariela Curiel, USB, VE
Lyman Chapin, Interisle Consulting, US
Paulo Cunha, UFPE, BR
Mieso Denko, Univeristy of Guelph, CA
José De Souza, UFC, BR
Ramon Fabregat, University of Girona, ES
Nelson Fonseca, UNICAMP, BR
Cecilia Galarza, UBA, AR
Luciano Paschoal Gaspary, UFRGS, BR
Eduardo Grampin, UDELAR, UY
Andrea Lobo, Rowan University, CR
George Lima, UFBA, BR
Edmundo Madeira, UNICAMP, BR
Eduardo Moreno, UAI, CL
Jose-Marcos Nogueira, UFMG, BR
José Piquer, UCH, CL
Francisco Quiles, UCLM, ES
Pablo Rodríguez-Bocca, UDELAR, UY
Gerardo Rubino, INRIA / IRISA, FR
Ariel Sabiguero, UDELAR, UY
Julio Sahuquillo, UPV, ES
Ignacio Solís, Palo Alto Research Center, USA
Nicolás Stier, Columbia University, USA
Reinaldo Vallejos, UTFSM, CL
Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS, BR

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP