LIS 2010
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Acronym | LIS 2010 |
Title | Learning in Intelligent Systems: FLAIRS Special Track |
Start date | May 19, 2010 |
End date | May 21, 2010 |
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Learning in Intelligent Systems Special Track at FLAIRS 23, Daytona, Florida USA Date posted: 22-June-2009 Organizers: Andrew Olney, University of Memphis ( Full Title: Learning in Intelligent Systems Date: 19-May-2010 - 21-May-2010 Call Deadline: 23-Nov-2009 Location: Daytona Beach, Florida, USA Web Site: Field(s): Machine Learning, Psychology, Neuroscience, Ethology, Biology, Economics, Computational Linguistics, Education Email: Andrew Olney ( Learning in Intelligent Systems Special Track at The 23rd International FLAIRS Conference In cooperation with the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Daytona Beach, Florida, USA May 19th-21st, 2009 Paper submission deadline: November 23rd, 2009. Notifications: January 22nd, 2010. Camara ready version due: February 22, 2010 All accepted papers will be published as FLAIRS proceedings by the AAAI. Call for Papers What is Learning in Intelligent Systems? Learning in Intelligent Systems is a development in Machine Learning that embraces an interdisciplinary perspective. Intelligent systems learn by improving through experience. This phenomenon is not restricted to human or machine and cuts across many fields, including Machine Learning, Psychology, Neuroscience, Education, Computational Linguistics, Ethology, and Economics, amongst others. Accordingly, Learning in Intelligent Systems takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding learning, and seeks to bridge the gap between Machine Learning and other fields. What is the GOAL of the track? The goal of the Learning in Intelligent Systems track is to inform researchers of current problems and current efforts in extending the techniques of Machine Learning to fields studying intelligent systems. Who might be interested? The track of Learning in Intelligent Systems is a forum for researchers working in Machine Learning, Psychology, Neuroscience, Ethology, Biology, Economics, Computational Linguistics, Education, and related areas. What kind of studies will be of interest? While papers and contributions on traditional Machine Learning issues are always welcome, the track emphasizes and encourages interdisciplinary approaches by the Machine Learning community. Topics of interest include (but are in no way limited to) 1. Unsupervised learning and unlabeled data 2. Metacognition/lifetime learning 3. Semi-supervised learning 4. Graph-based approaches 5. Diffusion geometry 6. Graphical models 7. Vector space/IR models 8. Multiple modalities/learning transfer 9. Active learning 10. Learning through imitation 11. Abductive learning 12. Learning through question asking 13. Learning through play 14. Pedagogy 15. Language acquisition 16. Perceptual learning 17. One shot learning 18. Emotions and learning Note: We invite original papers (i.e. work not previously submitted, in submission, or to be submitted to another conference during the reviewing process). Submission Guidelines for the Learning in Intelligent Systems track Interested authors (for the general Learning in Intelligent Systems track or the special topic) should format their papers according to AAAI formatting guidelines. The papers should be original work (i.e., not submitted, in submission, or submitted to another conference while in review). Papers should not exceed 6 pages (2 pages for a poster) and are due by November 23rd, 2009. For FLAIRS-23, the 2010 conference, the reviewing is a double blind process. Fake author names and affiliations must be used on submitted papers to provide double-blind reviewing. Papers must be submitted as PDF through the EasyChair conference system, which can be accessed through the main conference web site ( Note, do not use a fake name for your EasyChair login - your EasyChair account information is hidden from reviewers. Authors should indicate the special track of Learning in Intelligent Systems for submissions. The proceedings of FLAIRS will be published by the AAAI. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign a form transferring copyright of their contribution to AAAI. An author of each accepted paper is required to register, attend, and present the paper at FLAIRS. For researchers submitting to LIS, the following other special tracks that run alongside the main conference may be of interest: 1 Data Mining 2 Case-Based Reasoning 3 Artificial Intelligence Education 4 AI, Cognitive Semantic and Computational Linguistics : New Perspectives 5 Uncertain Reasoning 6 Applied Natural Language Processing 7 Games & Entertainment (GE) Special Track 8 AI Planning and Scheduling Special Track Proposal 9 Cognition and AI: Capturing Cognitive Plausibility and Informing Psychological Processes 10 AI and Second Language Learning 11 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 12 Intelligent Tutoring Systems 13 DERIS Conference Proceedings Papers will be refereed and all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, which will be published by AAAI Press. Organizing Committee Andrew Olney, Institute for Intelligent Systems & Department of Psychology, University of Memphis, Current Program Committee Chris Biemann, Powerset, USA Eric Breck, Rhodes College, USA Brian Carse, University of the West of England Bristol, UK Sidney D'Mello, University of Memphis, USA Samer Hassan, University of North Texas, USA Henry Hexmoor, Southern Illinois University, USA Larry Holder, Washington State University, USA Khan Iftekharuddin, University of Memphis, USA David Lin, University of Memphis, USA Mihai Lintean, University of Memphis, USA Zdravko Markov, Central Connecticut State University, USA Lee McCauley, Asynchrony Solutions, USA Kubat Miroslav University of Miami, USA Uma Ramamurthy, St Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA Robert Reynolds, Wayne State University, USA Carolyn Rose, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Vasile Rus, University of Memphis, USA Shahed Sorower, University of Memphis, USA Further Information Questions regarding the Learning in Intelligent Systems Special Track should be addressed to the track chair: Andrew Olney, Questions regarding any other FLAIRS special tracks should be addressed to the special track coordinator: Philip McCarthy, Conference Chair: David C. Wilson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Program Co-Chairs: Chas Murray, Carnegie Learning, USA Hans Guesgen, Massey University, New Zealand Special Tracks Coordinator: Philip McCarthy, University of Memphis, USA Invited Speakers To be announced Conference Web Sites Paper submission site: follow the link for submissions at Learning in Intelligent Systems Special Track web page: FLAIRS-2010 conference web page: Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS): FLAIRS 2010 home page
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