MEM 2009

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Acronym MEM 2009
Title 2nd Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight Composition on the Web
Start date Apr 20, 2009
End date Apr 21, 2009
... ...

                        PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS

2nd Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight Composition on
                            the Web (MEM 2009)

                         held in conjunction with

          18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2009)

                               Madrid, Spain
                         April 20th or 21st, 2009



             Abstract submission deadline: February 15th, 2009


Quick adoption of mashup and lightweight composition technologies is one
of landmarks of contemporary World Wide Web evolution. The MEM 2009
workshop will adopt a multi-aspect perspective on these technologies to
enable a complex understanding of their adoption, research and business
challenges and prospects. Firstly, it will cover basic infrastructures and
standards enabling scalable, secure and flexible deployment and enactment
of mashup and lightweight composition technologies. Secondly, it will
focus on user interfaces and interaction paradigms that make different
approaches to user-driven content and functionalities composition
available to non-expert users and collaborating crowds. Thirdly, it will
take a look into remarkable cases of mashups that combine existing
services and information sources with intelligent information processing
algorithms and user collaboration to provide value-added services.
Finally, the workshop will cover topics related to business aspects of
mashup and lightweight composition technologies.

The major part of innovation related to mashups and lightweight
composition is now happening in on line Web sites intended for wide
audience from all over the world. However, these technologies have
prospects of becoming major evolution factor for contemporary enterprises
by bridging the gap between business and IT. Thus, the workshop will focus
both on usage of mashup solutions in open Internet environments underlining
the requirement for flexibility, performance and privacy preservation, and
in business intranet environments stressing the need for security and
control measures to be incorporated in mashup and composition solutions.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a platform for discussing research
topics underlying the concepts of lightweight composition, mashups, and
enterprise mashups. By bringing together representatives of academia and
industry, the workshop is also an important venue for identifying new
research problems and disseminating results of the research. By
affiliating with a renowned international conference, the workshop
provides a possibility to interact with researchers from other areas of
the domain of Information Systems. 


The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to the following:
* Mashup and lightweight composition infrastructures
    * Security of widgets, gadgets, and related technologies
    * Security of enterprise information in mashups
    * Standards and protocols for lightweight composition
    * Scalability of mashup solutions
    * Methodologies of mashup development and maintenance
    * Mashups and SaaS paradigm
    * Mashups and legacy applications
    * Mashups and federated identity
* User interfaces and interaction paradigms
    * End-user programming for mashup construction
    * Visual mashup development
    * Social maintenance and development of mashup solutions
    * Usability and accessibility of mashups
    * Personalization in mashups and lightweight composition systems
    * Privacy-enabling mashup solutions
* Specific mashup and lightweight composition systems
    * Mashups for the Social Web
    * Mashups for mobile devices
    * Enterprise mashups
    * Information integration and filtering mashups
    * Geographic mashups
    * Specific cases of mashups in different domains (medical, scholar, IT,
      finance, ...)
* Business aspects of Web content and functionalities composition
    * Value of mashups for enterprises
    * Mashups for corporate knowledge management
    * Mashups and business process management
    * Governance of enterprise mashups
    * Revenue and cost models for mashups and information ecosystems
    * Legal aspects of mashups and lightweight composition



The workshop will provide an informal and vibrant forum for researchers
and industry practitioners to share their research results and practical
development experiences in the relevant fields.

* February 15th, 2009 - abstract submission deadline
* February 22nd, 2009 - papers submission deadline
* March 9th, 2009 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* March 15th, 2009 - submission of camera-ready papers
* April 20th or 21st, 2009 - the workshop


* Marek Kowalkiewicz, SAP Research Brisbane, Australia
* Dominik Flejter, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
* Tomasz Kaczmarek, Poznan University of Economics, Poland



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