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Acronym | MEMOCODE 2008 |
Title | Sixth ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign |
Start date | Jun 5, 2008 |
End date | Jun 7, 2008 |
Homepage | |
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CALL FOR PAPERS Sixth ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE) June 5-7, 2008, Anaheim, CA, USA The sixth MEMOCODE conference will gather researchers and practitioners who design modern hardware/software systems. Our goal is to consider new formal and systematic techniques for the design of dependable hardware/software systems. Many new languages, abstractions, refinement and analysis techniques already proved to provide a sound methodological basis for high-level modeling, design, and development of hardware and software systems including the adaptation and re-use of existing components. We invite papers, panel proposals, and tutorial proposals on the application of formal methods to hardware and software design. Topics include * dependable design methodologies * specification and modeling of hardware/software systems * formal verification (model checking, theorem proving) * specification-based testing * dependable synthesis methods for hardware and software * component-based design and design space exploration * optimization and hardware/software partitioning * performance/power analysis IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission February 1, 2008 Panels and tutorials April 11, 2008 Notification of acceptance March 31, 2008 Final Version of Papers April 11, 2008 DESIGN CONTEST MEMOCODE will again run a design contest. Please refer to for more information. PROCEEDINGS Conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. Best papers of previous MEMOCODE conferences have been published in special issues of international journals including ACM TECS and Springer's FMSD. PAPER SUBMISSION Submissions of research and experience papers will only be accepted through the conference web site. Papers must not exceed 10 pages and must be formatted following IEEE Computer Society guidelines. Submissions must be written in English, describe original work, and not substantially overlap papers that have been published or are being submitted to a journal or another conference with published proceedings. CHAIRS General Chairs Forrest Brewer, UC Santa Barbara, USA Rajesh Gupta, UC San Diego, USA Program Chairs Stephen A. Edwards, Columbia, USA Klaus Schneider, Kaiserslautern, Germany Publicity Chair Fei Xie, Portland State, USA Panel Chair Luca Carloni, Columbia, USA Industry Chair Arvind, MIT, USA Local Arrangements Forrest Brewer, UC Santa Barbara, USA TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Arvind, MIT, USA Twan Basten, Eindhoven, Netherlands Forrest Brewer, UC Santa Barbara, USA Tevfik Bultan, UC Santa Barbara, USA Luca Carloni, Columbia, USA Stephen A. Edwards, Columbia, USA Masahiro Fujita, Tokyo, Japan Franco Fummi, Verona, Italy Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Utah, USA Rajesh Gupta, UC San Diego, USA Connie Heitmeyer, NRL, USA James Hoe, CMU, USA Ahmed Jerraya, CEA, France Thomas Kropf, Bosch, Germany Luciano Lavagno, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Elizabeth Leonard, NRL, USA John O'Leary, Intel, USA Zebo Peng, Linkoping, Sweden Carl Pixley, Synopsys, USA Patrick Schaumont, Virginia Tech, USA Klaus Schneider, Kaiserslautern, Germany Sandeep Shukla, Virginia Tech, USA R. K. Shyamasundar, TIFR, India Jean-Pierre Talpin, INRIA, France P. S. Thiagarajan, Singapore Reinhard Wilhelm, Saarland University, Germany Fei Xie, Portland State, USA
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