MobiSec 2009
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | MobiSec 2009 |
Title | The First International Conference on Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems |
Start date | Jun 3, 2009 |
End date | Jun 5, 2009 |
Homepage | |
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SCOPE The convergence of information and communication technology is most palpable in the form of intelligent mobile devices, accompanied by the advent of converged, and next-generation, communication networks. As mobile c ommunication and information processing becomes a commodity, economy and society require protection of this precious resource. MobiSec brings together leading-edge researchers from academia and industry in the field of mobile systems security and privacy, as well as practitioners, standards developers and policymakers. PAPERS Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited. MobiSec solicits original, high-quality research contributions in the form of full papers. The focus is on the security of information and communication systems including mobile networks, devices and applications. Papers from other areas, e.g., formal methods, cryptography, database security, operating system security, will be considered if a clear connection to one of the topics below is demonstrated. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following focus areas, as applied to mobile ICT: * Security architectures for next-generation, new-generation, and converged communication networks * Trusted mobile devices, hardware security * Network resilience * Threat analyses for mobile systems * Multi-hop authentication and trust * Non-repudiation of communication * Context-aware and data-centric security * Protection and safety of distributed mobile data * Mobile application security * Security for voice and multimedia communication * Machine-to-machine communication security * Trust in autonomic and opportunistic communication * Location based applications security and privacy * Security for the networked home environment * Security and privacy for mobile communities * Mobile emergency communication, public safety * Lawful interception and mandatory data retention * Security of mobile agents and code * Idenity management * Embedded security Proposals for Tutorials and Panels Proposals for tutorials and panels on mobile information and communication security and privacy, and related topics are solicited. Tutorial proposals should consist of: 1) title and outline of materials to be presented, 2) description of potential audience, 3) justification of why the proposed topic is interesting and timely and, 4) biographical sketch of the presenter(s). Panel topics should address innovative, controversial, or otherwise provocative issues of interest related to mobile communication security. Please submit your proposals to the appropriate chairs. Exhibits and sponsorship Opportunities For information on exhibit space or sponsorship opportunities, please contact the corresponding symposium's Exhibits and Sponsorships Chairs. Important Dates Full Papers due: February 2, 2009 Notification of Acceptance: March 9, 2009 Camera-ready Manuscripts due: April 1, 2009 Conference Dates: June 3-5, 2009
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