OCL 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym OCL 2009
Title The Pragmatics of OCL and other textual specification languages
Start date Oct 4, 2009
End date Oct 4, 2009
Homepage modeling-languages.com/events/OCLWorkshop2009
... ...


The Pragmatics of OCL and other textual specification languages

MODELS'2009 Workshop

Denver, USA 



In recent years, MDA and associated MDE methodologies, approaches and
languages (like QVT) emphasized the role that OCL has to play in MDE
development. Moreover, the modeling community is continuously pushing
forward the OCL, far beyond its initial requirements as a precise
modeling language complementing UML specifications.  Now, OCL is used
in quite different applications domains (e.g., domain-specific
languages, web semantics) and for various purposes (e.g., model
verification and validation, code generation, test-driven development,

This workshop will focus on the challenges of using OCL on these new
domains and how the language needs to evolve to be successfully
applied on them. In particular, we are interested in discussing
alternative notations/representations for OCL that simplify its
application, new textual/graphical languages that can
complement/replace OCL, new ways of writing OCL expressions (e.g.,
patterns, templates and libraries), sharing OCL expressions and OCL
know-how, new domain-dependent evaluation and optimization strategies,
mappings from OCL to other languages and formalisms (Java, SQL, Alloy,
Maude, constraint programming, ...) and, of course, the tools that
will make all of this possible. In addition, all other aspects that
may facilitate a wider adoption and support of OCL or its usability
are also welcome.


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- New and/or succesful applications of the OCL 
- Mappings between OCL and other languages/formalisms (e.g., Java,
  SQL, Alloy, Maude, constraint programming)
- New algorithms, evaluation strategies and optimizations for OCL for
  * validation, verification, and testing,
  * model transformation and code generation,
  * metamodeling/DSLs,
  * query and constraint specifications
- Alternative graphical/textual notations for OCL
- Evolution, transformation and simplification of OCL expressions  
- Libraries, templates and patterns for OCL
- Complexity results for the OCL language
- Quality models and benchmarks for comparing and evaluating OCL tools and algorithms
- Case studies on industrial applications of OCL
- Experience reports:
  * usage of OCL and OCL tools in complex domains,
  * usability of the OCL and of the OCL tools for end-users
- Empirical studies about the benefits and drawbacks of OCL
- Innovative OCL tools


The workshop will be organized as a part of MODELS/UML 2009 Conference
in Denver, USA. It continues the series of OCL workshops held at
previous UML/MODELS conferences: York (2000), Toronto (2001), San
Francisco (2003), Lisbon (2004), Montego Bay (2005), Genova (2006),
Nashville (2007) and Toulouse (2008). Similar to its predecessors, the
workshop addresses both people from academia and industry. The aim is
to provide a forum for exchanging views on OCL and OCL tools wrt. the
visions of MDA and MDE, languages and methodologies. Furthermore, the
workshop calls out to research groups working on important research
domains like Semantic Web, Domain-Specific Languags or Business
Process Modeling to consider the usage of OCL and to specify OCL tools
functionalities and features needed.

Workshop Format

The workshop will include short (about 15 min) presentations, parallel
sessions of working groups, and sum-up discussions.


Short papers (up to 5 pages) and full papers (up to 15 pages) can be
submitted to the workshop. All papers must follow LNCS style
guidelines and be uploaded to the Submission system (EasyChair):

The program committee will review the submissions (minimum 2 reviews
per paper) and select papers according to their relevance and interest
for discussions that will take place at the workshop. Accepted papers
will be published at http://www.metamodel.com and
http://www-st.inf.tu-dresden.de/ocl/ (the OCL Portal).

As in previous editions, it is planned that polished versions of
accepted papers will be published in cooperation with an international
publisher, e.g., the Electronic Communications of the EASST,

Important Dates

Paper submission: July 26, 2009
(submit title and abstract as soon as possible to start the biding process)
Author notification: August 28, 2009
Camera-ready papers: September 20, 2009


Jordi Cabot, Open University of Catalonia, Spain, jcabot@acm.org (primary contact)
Joanna Chimiak-Opoka, University of Innsbruck, Austria, joanna.opoka@uibk.ac.at
Frederic Jouault, INRIA, frederic.jouault@inria.fr
Martin Gogolla, University of Bremen, Germany, gogolla@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Alexander Knapp, University of Augsburg, Germany, knapp@informatik.uni-augsburg.de

Programme Committee
Thomas Baar, Tech@Spree, Germany
Achim Brucker, SAP, Germany
Manuel Clavel, IMDEA Software Institute, Spain
Dan Chiorean, University of Cluj, Romania
Tony Clark, Thames Valley University, UK
Birgit Demuth, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Remco Dijkman, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Robert France, University of Fort Collins, USA
Heinrich Hussmann, University of Munich, Germany
Tihamer Levendovszky, Vanderbilt University, USA
Richard Mitchell, Inferdata, UK
Richard Paige, University of York, UK
Mark Richters, Astrium Space Transportation, Germany
Shane Sendall, IBM, Switzerland
Pieter Van Gorp, University of Eindhoven
Burkhart Wolff, LRI, University Paris-Sud, France
Steffen Zschaler, Lancaster University, UK

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP