OFC 2020

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym OFC 2020
Title Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition
Start date 2020/03/08
End date 2020/03/12
Homepage https://www.ofcconference.org/en-us/home/
... ...

The Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC) 2020


35-word Abstract: Your abstract should be a brief summary of your paper topic. If your paper is accepted, your 35-word abstract will be included in the Conference Program. Note that the same abstract should be included in the 3-page summary as highlighted in the style guide.

3-page Summary: All contributed authors are required to submit a final summary of their work for publication in the Technical Digest, via OSA Publishing's Digital Library. Style guides are provided in a variety of different formats to support authors’ needs. All PDF submissions MUST contain the following items in order to be published:

Complete title
Complete listing of all authors and their affiliations
Self-contained abstract, limited to 35-words (indexers such as Google Scholar will not index papers that do not contain abstracts) Appropriate copyright statement following the abstract. By default, the copyright statement will appear as YYYY [Year of the conference] The Author(s).
Permission and attribution for any trademarked or copyright images. Note that images of people or images owned or trademarked by other entities (including, for example, well-known logos or cartoon characters) will also require official written permission.