OSDM 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym OSDM 2009
Title The first Open Source in Data Mining workshop
Start date Apr 27, 2009
End date Apr 27, 2009
Homepage osdm09.togaware.com
... ...

       The first Open Source in Data Mining workshop (OSDM'09)

                      Monday 27th April 2009

                        Bangkok, Thailand

           Workshop Website: http://osdm09.togaware.com

                     To be held at the 13th

          Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery
                     and Data Mining (PAKDD'09)

              Submissions due: Monday 22 December 2008

Open source software is becoming increasingly accepted in public and
private sector organisations in many countries. There is a variety
of open source data mining tools available to both researchers and
practitioners, some being simple research prototypes while others are
fully developed software tools in daily use in industry.

This workshop aims to bring together data mining software developers,
practitioners, researchers and educators, with the objectives to
present open source data mining tools, discuss experiences and lessons
learned developing and using such tools, and exchange ideas on how to
promote the use of open source tools in the field of data mining.


Submission of papers:     22    December  2008
Notification of Authors:  23    January   2009
Camera-ready version:      9    February  2009
OSDM'09 workshop:         27    April     2009
PAKDD'09 conference:      28-30 April     2009


The OSDM'09 workshop is aimed at data mining researchers, educators
and practitioners, and it will include a mix of both peer-reviewed
scientific papers as well as software demonstrations. We plan to have:

 * An invited keynote presentation by one of the developers of the
   Weka data mining tool.

 * A session with peer-reviewed papers on topics such as:
    - Open source in data mining research.
    - Open source in data mining education.
    - Open source for data mining in government.
    - Open source for data mining in industry and business.
    - Data mining using open source - Experiences. 
    - Impact of open source in data mining.
    - Open source methodologies in data mining.

 * A more practically oriented session that will include:
    - Demonstrations of open source data mining tools.
    - Tutorials and how-to's, for example how to set-up and manage
      open source data mining tools; how-to choose an open source
      license suitable for data mining, selecting a software
      repository suitable for open source data mining tools, etc.

 * A panel session with prominent data mining open source
   developers. Possible topics:
    - Why open source for data mining research and education?
    - Why publish your data mining tool as open source software? 


Important notice: Submitting a paper to the OSDM'09 workshop means
that if the paper is accepted, at least one author must attend the
workshop to present the paper. For no-show authors, their affiliations
will receive a notification.

All submitted papers must be formatted according to Springer's
manuscript submission guidelines as available at


For the initial submission, paper must NOT include author's names,
affiliations and email addresses (left as a blank) --- the review
process will be double-blind. Do not include any acknowledgements
referring to funding bodies. Self-citing references should be removed
from the submitted papers (they can be added after review).

We encourage submissions of two types of papers:

 1) Regular papers, up-to 12 pages long in single-spaced pages
    with font size at least 11 points (i.e. following the Springer
    LNCS style). These papers will be fully reviewed by at least three
    members of the OSDM'09 program committee.

 2) Short papers, aimed for the demonstration, tutorial and how-to
    session. These papers can be up-to 6 pages long, also in Springer
    LNCS style). These papers will be reviewed by at least one member
    of the OSDM'09 program committee as well as the OSDM'09

Papers submitted to OSDM'09 must not be published or under
consideration to be published elsewhere.

The electronic submissions must be in PDF and made through the
OSDM'09 Submission Page, accessible from:



- Dr Graham Williams    Togaware / The Australian Taxation Office
- Dr Peter Christen     The Australian National University


- Dr Rohan Baxter                 The Australian Taxation Office,
- Prof Michael Berthold           University of Konstanz, Germany
- Dr Christian Borgelt            European Center for Soft Computing,
- Dr Tim Churches                 NSW Department of Health, Australia
- Assist Prof Janez Demsar        University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Assoc Prof Eibe Frank           University of Waikato, New Zealand
- Dr Mark Hall                    Pentaho, New Zealand
- Prof Joshua Huang               The University of Hong Kong,
                                  Hong Kong
- Assoc Prof Bernhard Pfahringer  University of Waikato, New Zealand
- Assoc Prof Blaz Zupan           University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Dr Yunming Ye                   Harbin Institute of Technology,

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