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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym PERSUASIVE 2009
Title The Fourth International Conference on Persuasive Technology
Start date Apr 26, 2009
End date Apr 29, 2009
... ...

The Fourth International Conference on Persuasive Technology April 26-29, 2009 Claremont, California, USA (Proceedings to be published by ACM and available in ACM Digital Library)

Persuasive Technology is all about using Information and Communications Technology to change what we think and do. We are just entering the era of persuasive technology, of interactive computing systems designed to change people's attitudes and behaviors. Persuasive 2009 builds on the successful prior conferences held at Eindhoven, Stanford and Oulu. The Claremont conference will assemble people from all parts of the world interested in such technologies by sharing their insights into how video games, mobile phone applications, web sites and social networking sites can be designed to motivate and influence people.

Academics and practitioners with an interest in research, theory, technologies, design, and applications related to persuasion are invited to submit their work for presentation at Persuasive 2009 to be held at the Claremont Colleges campus, in Claremont, California.

Research themes/tracks

We invite research papers, panel ideas and tutorial topics from all researchers working in the field of persuasive technologies. The major research themes for the conference include, but are not limited to:

Persuasion for healthy Living

  • Well-being and health behavior
  • Applications for chronic disease management
  • Lifestyle management technologies
  • Motivational technology
  • Using sensor networks for health care

Persuasion via social networking

  • Tools to accelerate persuasion amongst peers
  • Web 2.0
  • Mass persuasion

Mobile & Ubiquitous Persuasion

  • Mobile persuasion
  • Designing applications for mobility
  • Testing and evaluating mobile experiences

Gaming and Persuasion

  • Persuasive game design
  • Smart environments
  • Virtual worlds and high-bandwidth applications (e.g., Internet2)
  • Learning through Persuasion

Design, Human Computer Interaction

  • Designing for everyday use
  • User interfaces and experiences
  • Emerging digital immersion technologies

General Persuasion

  • Theory of persuasive technology
  • Measurements and experimental design
  • Ethics of persuasive technology
  • Security and privacy
  • Social and organizational issues

Cutting-edge topics:

  • Eco / Green Persuasive Tech
  • Theory & Models of Persuasive Technology
  • Persuasive Design & Innovation
  • Methods & Measurements in Persuasion
  • Education & Learning

Categories of Submission:

Research Paper Panel Proposals Tutorials

For tutorials, the following are some suggested topics but not limited to:

Overview of persuasive technology - Snapshot of the field

Behavior change theories & frameworks - Introduction to the major perspectives on behavior change

Connecting attitude change and behavior change - Theories on the relationship between attitudes and behavior

Changing health behavior - Special issues for persuasive technology and health

Experiments 101 - How to design and run experiments

New tools for measurement and data collection Mechanical turk, google analytics, google forms,

The landscape of research methodologies An overview of different methods, from qualitative to quantitative, individual to mass

Persuasion through new media - Using virtual worlds and social networking sites

Designing for user experience- Design principles, theories and applications

Web 2.0 and persuasion - How Facebook and others use PT

Submission Format:

For information about the format for each submission, see

Review Process

All submissions will undergo a blind peer-review process. We expect the acceptance rate for papers to be less than 50%, much like previous years. The proceedings will be published by ACM.

Doctoral Consortium:

We will hold a doctoral consortium on Sunday April 26th. Please contact to be invited to this gathering.

Important Dates:

Paper submission: Jan 2, 2009. Author notification: February 29, 2009. Camera-ready: March 27, 2009 Registration opens: Dec 1, 2008. Doctoral Consortium: April 26, 2009 Conference dates: April 27-29, 2009.


  • Chair: Samir Chatterjee, Claremont Graduate University, USA
  • Vice-Chair: Parvati Dev, Innovation in Learning Inc., USA
  • Doctoral Consortium Chair: Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland
  • Vendor Exhibition Chair: [[has OC member::Gora DattaProperty "Has OC member" (as page type) with input value "Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland</br>* Vendor Exhibition Chair: [[has OC member::Gora Datta" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process., CAL2CAL Corporation, Irvine, USA.
  • Local Arrangements Team: Alan Price, Charles Chong, Hafsa Aisi, Lorie Obal, Gita Govahi, Matt Hutter, Rita Clemons, CGU

Scientific Program Committee