PLC 2008

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym PLC 2008
Title Penn Linguistics Colloquium
Start date Feb 22, 2008
End date Feb 24, 2008
... ...

              The 32nd Penn Linguistics Colloquium: 
                        Call for Papers

The 32nd Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium will take place February 22-24,
2008 at the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia. 

Invited Speaker: Sandra Chung of the University of California, Santa Cruz
"Chamorro possessives and the syntax-semantics of subjects".

Special Session: Prosody and its interfaces 

Papers on any topic in linguistics and associated fields are welcome. Speakers
will have 20 minutes for their presentations and 5 minutes for discussion and

Deadline: Abstracts are due Monday November 19, 2007. Notification of
acceptance/rejection will be given by Monday, January 14, 2008. 

Length: Please limit abstracts to one page, single- or double-spaced. An
additional page may be used for references and tables. Do not include your name
or affiliation within the abstract.

Format: To facilitate the review process, please submit your abstract as a
.pdf file. 

Submission: An online abstract submission form will be available at the PLC

Proceedings: Conference proceedings will be published as a volume of the Penn
Working Papers in Linguistics. Speakers will be invited to provide camera-ready
copies of their papers after the Colloquium. 


Penn Linguistics Colloquium 
Department of Linguistics 
619 Williams Hall 
University of Pennsylvania 
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305 

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