S&P 2020
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | S&P 2020 |
Title | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy |
Start date | 2020/05/18 |
End date | 2020/05/20 |
Homepage | https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2020/index.html |
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COVID-19 Update
IEEE Computer Society and the Security and Privacy Organizing Committee have been monitoring the developing COVID-19 situation.
The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our top priority. After studying and evaluating the announcements, guidance, and news released by relevant national departments, we are announcing that the 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, scheduled to be held in-person in San Francisco, California will now be converted into an all-digital conference experience. The dates of the conference will remain the same.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. More details regarding the conference and online registration will be available soon.
Since 1980 in Oakland, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for computer security research, presenting the latest developments and bringing together researchers and practitioners. We solicit previously unpublished papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of security or privacy. Papers may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of secure systems.
- Access control and authorization
- Anonymity
- Application security
- Attacks and defenses
- Authentication
- Blockchains and distributed ledger security
- Censorship resistance
- Cloud security
- Cyber physical systems security
- Distributed systems security
- Economics of security and privacy
- Embedded systems security
- Forensics
- Hardware security
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Malware and unwanted software
- Mobile and Web security and privacy
- Language-based security
- Machine learning and AI security
- Network and systems security
- Privacy technologies and mechanisms
- Protocol security
- Secure information flow
- Security and privacy for the Internet of Things
- Security and privacy metrics
- Security and privacy policies
- Security architectures
- Usable security and privacy
- Trustworthy computing
- Web security
This topic list is not meant to be exhaustive; S&P is interested in all aspects of computer security and privacy. Papers without a clear application to security or privacy, however, will be considered out of scope and may be rejected without full review.
- Steering Committee
- Terry Benzel, USC Information Sciences Institute.
- Rob Cunningham, CMU Software Engineering Institute.
- Sven Dietrich, CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
- Deborah Frincke, National Security Agency.
- Cynthia Irvine, US Naval Postgraduate School.