SEKE 2017
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | SEKE 2017 |
Title | The 29th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering |
Start date | 2017/07/05 |
End date | 2017/07/07 |
Homepage | |
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The Twenty-Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2017) will be held at the Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, Pittsburgh, USA, from July 5 to July 7, 2017.
The conference aims at bringing together experts in software engineering and knowledge engineering to discuss on relevant results in either software engineering or knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put on the transference of methods between both domains. The theme this year is big data and software engineering & knowledge engineering. Submission of papers and demos are both welcome.
The best ranked papers from the conference will be selected for a special issue of the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE) to be published in December 2017 for early dissemination.
The Int'l Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Visual Languages and Sentient Systems DMSVLSS2017 ( will be held at the same hotel from July 7 to July 8, 2017. Authors are welcome to contribute papers and attend both conferences.
- Software Engineering Methodologies
- Agent-based software engineering
- Artificial intelligence approaches to software engineering
- Component-based software engineering
- Embedded and ubiquitous software engineering
- Aspect-based software engineering
- Empirical software engineering
- Search-Based Software engineering
- Automated software design and synthesis
- Automated software specification
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Automated software specification
- Automated software design and synthesis
- Reverse engineering
- Software Engineering Techniques and Production Perspectives
- Requirements engineering
- Software analysis, design and modeling
- Software maintenance and evolution
- Software engineering tools and environments
- Software engineering decision support
- Software design patterns
- Software product lines
- Process and workflow management
- Reflection and metadata approaches
- Program understanding and system maintenance
- Software domain modeling and analysis
- Software economics
- Multimedia and hypermedia software engineering
- Software engineering case study and experience reports
- Enterprise software, middleware, and tools
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial intelligent methods, models, techniques
- Artificial life and societies
- Swarm intelligence
- Smart Spaces
- Autonomic computing and agent-based systems
- Autonomic computing
- Adaptive Systems
- Agent architectures, ontologies, languages and protocols
- Multi-agent systems
- Agent-based learning and knowledge discovery
- Interface agents
- Agent-based auctions and marketplaces
- Secure mobile and multi-agent systems
- Mobile agents
- SOA and Service-Oriented Systems
- Service-centric software engineering
- Service oriented requirements engineering
- Service oriented architectures
- Middleware for service based systems
- Service discovery and composition
- Service level agreements (drafting, negotiation, monitoring and management)
- Runtime service management
- Semantic web
- Data modeling, mining and data analytics
- Data modeling, aggregation, integration, and transformation
- Web and text mining
- Data mining methods, techniques, and tools
- Data analytics modeling and algorithms
- Patterns and frameworks
- Data visualization
- Knowledge systems and engineering
- Knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge-based and expert systems
- Knowledge representation and retrievals
- Knowledge engineering tools and techniques
- Time and knowledge management tools
- Knowledge modeling, integration, transformation, and management,
- Uncertainty knowledge management
- Knowledge visualization
- Mobile computing and mobile system engineering
- Mobile App design and development
- Innovative mobile applications
- Pervasive computing
- Mobile system validation and test automation
- Software & System Quality of Service
- Soft computing
- Software and system testing methods
- Quality assurance process, standards, and systems
- Software safety systems
- Software test automation and tools
- Software dependability, reliability, scalability
- Software & System Security
- Software and system security and privacy
- Mobile app security and privacy
- Encryption methods and tools
- Security service systems
- Cloud, sensor cloud and mobile cloud security
- Mobile system integrity, security, and fault tolerance
- Emergent Topics
- Cloud computing and Innovative cloud-based application systems
- Mobile cloud computing and application services
- Big data analytics application systems
- Innovative sensing cloud and systems
- Large-scale cyber systems
- IOT and smart city application systems
- Big data quality validation
- Big data application quality services
- Smart learning and innovative education systems
- Learning software design engineering
- Smart learning methods and environments
- Online learning systems
- Mobile enabled learning systems and tools
Papers must be written in English. An electronic version (Postscript, pdf, or MS Word format) of the full paper should be submitted using the following URL: (submission website will be open after January 1, 2017). Please use Internet Explorer as the browser. Manuscript must include a 200-word abstract and no more than 6 pages of double column formatted Manuscript for Conference Proceedings (include figures and references but exclude copyright form).
Papers submitted to SEKE 2017 will be reviewed electronically. The users (webmaster, program chair, reviewers...) can login using the following URL:
If you have any questions or run into problems, please send e-mail to:
SEKE 2017 Conference Secretariat
KSI Research Inc.
156 Park Square
Pittsburgh, PA 15238 USA
Important Dates
- Paper submission due: March 1, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: April 20, 2017
- Early registration deadline: May 10, 2017
- Camera-ready copy: May 10, 2017
- Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA
- J. Wing, VP of Microsoft Research, USA (tentative)
- Xudong He, Florida International University, USA
- Oscar Pereira, University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Angelo Perkusich, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
- Huiqun Yu, East China University of Science and Technology, China
- Shi-Kuo Chang, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Vic Basili, University of Maryland, USA
- Bruce Buchanan, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- C. V. Ramamoorthy, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA
- Swapna Gokhale, Univ. of Connecticut, USA
- Natalia Juristo, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
- Taghi Khoshgoftaar, Florida Atlantic University, USA
- Guenther Ruhe, University of Calgary, Canada
- Masoud Sadjadi, Florida International University, USA
- Du Zhang, California State University, USA
- Silvia Teresita Acuna, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
- Shadi Alawneh, C-CORE, Canada
- Izzat Alsmadi, Boise State University, USA
- Taisira Al-Belushi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
- Mark Allison, University of Michigan - Flint, USA
- John Anvik, Univ. of Lethbridge, Canada
- Omar El Ariss, Penn State Univ at Harrisburg, USA
- Doo-Hwan Bae, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
- Ebrahim Bagheri, Ryerson University, Canada
- Hamid Bagheri, George Mason University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- Xiaoying Bai, Tsinghua University, China
- Fevzi Belli, University of Paderborn, Germany
- Ateet Bhalla, Consultant, India
- Swapan Bhattacharya, NITK, Surathakl, India
- Alessandro Bianchi, University of Bari, Italy
- Ivo Bukovsky, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
- Raul Garcia Castro, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
- Nabendu Chaki, University of Calcutta, India
- Chih-Hung Chang, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
- Keith Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Kuang-nan Chang, Eastern Kentucky University, USA
- Lily Chang, University of Wisconsin, Platteville, USA
- Meiru Che, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
- Wen-Hui Chen, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
- William Chu, Tunghai University, Taiwan
- Stelvio Cimato, University of Milan, Italy
- Nelly Condori-fernandez, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Fabio M. Costa, Universidade Federal de Goias, Brazil
- Maria Francesca Costabile, University of Bari, Italy
- Jose Luis De La Vara, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
- Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy
- Scott Dick, University of Alberta, Canada
- Junhua Ding, East Carolina University, USA
- Fei Dong, Google Inc., USA
- Zhijian Dong, Middle Tennessee State University, USA
- Derek Doran, Wright State University, USA
- Weichang Du, University of New Brunswick, Canada
- Philippe Dugerdil, HEG - Univ. of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
- Christof Ebert, Vector Consulting Services, Germany
- Ali Ebnenasir, Michigan Technological University, USA
- Raimund Ege, NIU, USA
- Magdalini Eirinaki, San Jose State University, USA
- Mahmoud Elish, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
- Ruby ElKharboutly, Quinnipiac University, Canada
- Davide Falessi, Cal Poly, USA
- Behrouz Far, University of Calgary, Canada
- Liana Fong, IBM, USA
- Ellen Francine Barbosa, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Fulvio Frati, University of Milan, Italy
- Yujian Fu, Alabama A & M University, USA
- Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA
- Kehan Gao, Eastern Connecticut State University, USA
- Felix Garcia, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Ignacio Garcia Rodriguez De Guzman, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Swapna Gokhale, Univ. of Connecticut, USA
- Wolfgang Golubski, Zwickau University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Anurag Goswami, North Dakota State Univ., USA
- Desmond Greer, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom
- Christiane Gresse Von Wangenheim, UFSC - Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
- Katarina Grolinger, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Hassan Haghighi, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
- Hao Han, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Xudong He, Florida International University, USA
- Robert Heinrich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Miguel Herranz, University of Alcala, Spain
- Rubing Huang, Jiangsu University, China
- Shihong Huang, Florida Atlantic University, USA
- Hamdy Ibrahim, University of Calgary, Canada
- Bassey Isong, North-West University, South Africa
- Clinton Jeffery, University of Idaho, USA
- Jason Jung, Chung-Ang University, South Korea
- Selim Kalayci, Florida International University, USA
- Marcos Kalinowski, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
- Pankaj Kamthan, Concordia University, Canada
- Ananya Kanjilal, B.P. Poddar Institute of Technology and Management, India
- Eric Kasten, Michigan State University, USA
- Taghi Khoshgoftaar, Florida Atlantic University, USA
- Claudiu V. Kifor, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
- Jun Kong, North Dakota State University, USA
- Aneesh Krishna, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
- Vinay Kulkarni, Tata Consultancy Services, India
- Jeff Lei, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
- Meira Levy, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Israel
- Bixin Li, Southeast University, China
- Xin Li, Google Inc., USA
- Yuan-Fang Li, Monash University, Australia
- Zhi Li, Guangxi Normal University, China
- Jianhua Lin, Eastern Connecticut State University, USA
- Lan Lin, Ball State University, USA
- Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
- KaiKai Liu, San Jose State University, USA
- Shih-hsi Liu, California State University, Fresno, USA
- Ting Liu, Xian Jiaotong University, China
- Xiaodong Liu, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
- Yi Liu, Georgia College & State University, USA
- Luanna Lopes Lobato, Federal University of Goias, Brazil
- Jian Lu, Nanjing University, China
- Baojun Ma, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
- Ivan Machado, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
- Marcelo de Almeida Maia, Federal University of Uberlendia, Brazil
- Beatriz Marin, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
- Riccardo Martoglia, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Santiago Matalonga, Universidad ORT Uruguay, Uruguay
- Hong Mei, Peking University, China
- Hsing Mei, Fu Jen Catholic Unicersity, Taiwan
- Andre Menolli, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Parana (UENP), Brazil
- Ali Mili, NJIT, USA
- Alok Mishra, Atilim University, Turkey
- Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
- Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Osaka University, Japan
- Kia Ng, ICSRiM - University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Allen Nikora, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
- Amjad Nusayr, University of Houston-Victoria, USA
- Edson A. Oliveira Jr., State University of Maringa, Brazil
- Oscar Pereira, University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Antonio Piccinno, University of Bari, Italy
- Alfonso Pierantonio, University of L'Aquila, Italy
- Daniel Plante, Stetson University, USA
- Rick Rabiser, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
- Filip Radulovic, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
- Damith C. Rajapakse, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Rajeev Raje, IUPUI, USA
- Henrique Rebelo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
- Marek Reformat, University of Alberta, Canada
- Robert Reynolds, Wayne State University, USA
- Hassan Reza, University of North Dakota, USA
- Elder Macedo Rodrigues, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Daniel Rodriguez, Universidad de Alcala, Spain
- Ivan Rodero, The State University of New Jersey, USA
- Samira Sadaoui, University of Regina, Canada
- Masoud Sadjadi, Florida International University, USA
- Claudio Sant'Anna, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil
- Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai, University of Montpellier 2 for Sciences and Technology, France
- Andreas Schoenberger, Siemens AG, Germany
- Michael Shin, Texas Tech University, USA
- Martin Solari, Universidad ORT Uruguay, Uruguay
- Qinbao Song, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
- George Spanoudakis, City University London, United Kingdom
- Jing Sun, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Meng Sun, Peking University, China
- Yanchun Sun, Peking University, China
- Gerson Sunye, University of Nantes, France
- Chuanqi Tao, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
- Jeff Tian, Southern Methodist University, USA
- Mark Trakhtenbrot, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
- Peter Troeger, TU Chemnitz, Germany
- T. H. Tse, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Christelle Urtado, LGI2P Ecole des Mines d'Ales, France
- Sylvain Vauttier, Ecole des mines d'Ales, France
- Silvia Vergilio, Federal University of Parana (UFPR), Brazil
- Gennaro Vessio, University of Bari, Italy
- Sergiy Vilkomir, East Carolina University, USA
- Aaron Visaggio, University of Sannio, Italy
- Arndt Von Staa, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Huanjing Wang, Western Kentucky University, USA
- Jiacun Wang, Monmouth University, USA
- Xiaoyin Wang, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
- Ye Wang, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China
- Yong Wang, New Mexico Highlands University, USA
- Young Wang, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
- Zhongjie Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Ziyuan Wang, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
- Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University, Japan
- Victor Winter, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
- Guido Wirtz, Bamberg University, Germany
- Franz Wotawa, TU Graz, Austria
- Dianxiang Xu, Boise State University, USA
- Frank Weifeng Xu, Bowie State University, USA
- Haiping Xu, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA
- Guowei Yang, Texas State University, USA
- Hongji Yang, Bath Spa University, United Kingdom
- Huiqun Yu, East China University of Science and Technology, China
- Jiang Yue, Fujian Normal University, China
- Du Zhang, Macau University of Science and Technology, China
- Pengchen Zhang, Hohai University, China
- Yong Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
- Zhenyu Zhang, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Jiang Zheng, ABB US Corporate Research Center, USA
- Zhigao Zheng, Central China Normal University, USA
- Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Huibiao Zhu, East China Normal University, China
- Xingquan Zhu, Florida Atlantic University, USA
- Eugenio Zimeo, University of Sannio, Italy
- (TBA)
- Robert Heinrich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University, Japan
- Aneesh Krishna, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
- Raul Garcia Castro, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
- Swapan Bhattacharya, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathakl, India
- Jose Carlos Maldonado, ICMC-USP, Brazil