SG-PAW 2009
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Acronym | SG-PAW 2009 |
Title | 1st International Workshop on SOA, Globalization, People, and Work |
Start date | Nov 23, 2009 |
End date | Nov 24, 2009 |
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1st International Workshop on SOA, Globalization, People, & Work (SG-PAW 2009) November 23/24, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden The workshop will be held within the "Business Models and Architecture" workshop track of the 7th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'09), which takes place Nov. 24-27, 2009; In conjunction with the 7th International Joint Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009) November 24-27, Stockholm, Sweden; ++ Position Papers, Vision papers, and Full papers invited ++ Workshop Post-Proceedings to be published in the Springer Verlag Services Science book series ++ Papers will be included in SpringerLink Workshop website: Important Dates =============== Deadline for submission: September 14, 2009 Notifications: Sep 30, 2009 Camera Ready version for pre-proceedings: Nov 1, 2009 Workshop: Nov 23/24, 2009 Jan TBA, 2010 Submission of camera-ready version for LNCS post-proceedings Workshop Theme and Objectives ============================= Globalization is having a profound impact on all aspects of business, work, organization, and the enterprise. As the business community describes the emerging Globally Integrated Enterprise (GIE), they envision how: ?new technology and business models are allowing companies to treat their different functions and operations as component pieces, firms can pull those pieces apart and put them back together again in new combinations? (Foreign Affairs, Vol. 85 No. 3, 2006). Whereas this vision has not yet fully materialized, SOA seems especially well positioned to provide the enterprise with such capabilities. There are clear trends that indicate the transformation of the enterprise into coordinated but independent units which can be composed in new ways in order to address new needs. Outsourcing of IT, but especially of organizational functions, such as HR, shipping, or accounting services are low-maturity examples of this trend. The new notion of Virtual Enterprises takes the idea of organizational encapsulation a step further and introduces the idea of loosely coupled organizations. They advocate the formation of ad-hoc alliances between enterprises in order to share skills, core competencies, and/or resources so they can better respond to business opportunities. Globalization is also creating new kinds of organizational resources. The ongoing competition for business differentiation is spawning new organizational silos that provide a highly specialized service, both within an enterprise and in the global marketplace. This is as evident in Health-Care offerings of new treatments as it is in every other business domain, such as in financial, software, or IT services. These emerging service providers are characterized by limited overhead, fast market entry, high scalability requirements and a global approach in the search of its customer base. The problem this workshop is focusing on is enabling an enterprise to leverage internal and external global services and combine them in new ways that optimize its end-to-end operations. The premise is that the SOA methodology is well suited to address this problem by encapsulating organizational work as services that can cross geographical, organizational, and cultural boundaries. We invite academia and industry that represent a wide range of disciplines in business, science, and engineering, to examine the problem from multiple perspectives. The goal is to identify together core issues, research challenges, learn from successful attempts or approaches, and propose new formalisms, models, architectures, frameworks, methodologies, or approaches. Some of the key preliminary research questions that we encourage position papers to address include, but are not limited to: * Modeling of work as a service. What is a service in the new context of people and work? How can work be encapsulated as a service? Changes and extensions to current thinking that will better address human related factors. * Enactment of process and workflow in the context of the global organization, people and work. Especially the notion of dynamic processes that can continually morph themselves to respond and adapt to environmental demands and changes without compromising operational efficiencies. * Enacting, managing, and coordinating End-to-End business processes that span geographical, organizational, and cultural boundaries. * What constitutes Quality-of-Service from the perspectives of people, work, and the enterprise? * Global governance, its application and implications in complex organizational eco-systems. * Composability and interchangeability of work-services and people-services. * Alignment of people and work with process, tools, and IT. * What are the relevant architectural principles when considering different dimensions of people and work? * How can traditional formalisms support the flexibility inherent in contexts that involve people and larger social groupings? * Methodologies for process, flow, architectures, and solution design. * Business Processes and Business Process Management (BPM) in the context of people and work. In addition, we welcome submissions covering the following topics: * Requirements * Case studies examining issues relevant to this workshop * Models that examine multiple enterprise perspectives, and address operations utilizing globally distributed organizations, collaborators, and partners. * Applicability of Cross-Enterprise Architectures (CEA) and service-enabled approaches to the problem of organizing the global enterprise. * The fulfillment of enterprise End-to-End processes that cross geographical, organizational, and cultural boundaries. * Extensions and applications of BPM and/or data centric approaches to modeling, execution and management. * New SOA runtime environments for the enterprise that support service assembly and management of globally distributed resources, including the utilization of new models such as Grid or Cloud. * Dynamic composition and selection of IT, human resources and other organizational resources. * Case studies that explore SOA as enabler of globally distributed work. * Governance approaches applicable to global enterprises or processes that cross organizational and geographic boundaries. Finally, our workshop also aims at bringing together researchers from different academic perspective to collectively develop a deeper understanding of the implication of applying SOA principles in contexts that not only consider the technical dimension but also the people and work dimensions to collectively identify the core directions for future research. Related workshops in the ?Business Models and Architecture? track ================================================================= The Business Models and Architecture track focuses on the overall modern enterprise. The ability to react quickly to ongoing changes in the marketplace or customer requirements is one of the biggest challenges facing every business. To react, business may need to change their business models and processes, their IT infrastructure, the topology or distribution of the organization and business units, form alliances with partners or co-producers, outsource missing capabilities, contract services, or even acquire and merge with other businesses. Business models and architectures help plan the optimal changes. The speed in which such architectures can be made fully operational is what differentiates winners from losers. The three workshops in this track address different, yet complementing, facets of the problem. TEAR is aligning the Enterprise Architecture with its business models: adapting the IT infrastructure and changing application so that they optimally support the new business needs. GLOBALIZATION (SG-PAW) is looking at enacting the new business processes by encapsulating organizational work as services that can be combined in new ways and optimize its end-to-end operations across geographical, organizational, and cultural boundaries. Finally, SOC-LOG is focusing on addressing the challenges of a specific application domain, namely, logistic through developing SOC based solutions and examining aspects of Knowledge Management while bringing together researchers from different, though overlapping areas (logistics/supply chain management and service-oriented computing/systems). Submission ========== We welcome submissions of two types: position and vision papers (2-5 pages including all references and figures) and full papers (up to 15 pages including all references and figures). As this is a new area we are encouraging the submission of shorter position and vision papers that can form a basis for team discussion and brainstorming. All submission will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. Paper submission is open for all, including the PC members and organizers. Submissions should be made in PDF format via our electronic submission system which is available at The proceeding of ICSOC-ServiceWave 2009 are currently planned to be published in the Springer Verlag Services Science book series. Papers should be written in English and must follow the Springer LNCS guidelines. Please refer to for more information. Workshop Website ================ Additional information can be found on the workshop website: Contact Information =================== Daniel Oppenheim, IBM Research, Marcelo Cataldo, Bosch Research, Organizers ========== Marcelo Cataldo, Bosch Corporate Research, USA Francisco Curbera, IBM Research, USA Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna, Austria Michael zur Muehlen, Stevens Institue of Technology, USA Daniel Oppenheim, IBM Resarch, USA Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Stephan Tai, Universit?t Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
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