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Acronym | SLA++P'08 |
Title | SLA++P'08, Model-driven High-level Programming of Embedded Systems |
Start date | Apr 5, 2008 |
End date | Apr 5, 2008 |
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Second Call for Papers +--------------------+ | SLA++P 2008 | +--------------------+ Model-driven High-level Programming of Embedded Systems (formerly "Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programming") ********************************************************************** * !NEWS! * * * * The submission site is now open! * * * * follow Authors / instructions * * * * Selected presentations will be invited for submission * * to a special issue of the EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems * * * ********************************************************************** An ETAPS'08 ( event, to be held on April 5, 2008, in Budapest, Hungary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dates: Submission: 23 november 2007 Notification: 21 december 2007 Final version: 25 january 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SLA++P is a workshop dedicated to synchronous languages and the model-driven high-level programming of reactive and embedded systems. Firmly grounded in clean mathematical semantics, synchronous languages are receiving increasing attention in industry ever since they emerged in the 80s. Lustre, Esterel, Signal are now widely and successfully used to program real-time and safety critical applications, from nuclear power plant management layer to Airbus air flight control systems. At the same time, model-based programming is making its way in other fields of software engineering, too, often involving cycle-based synchronous paradigms. Model-driven high-level programming has recently seen a tremendous interest from leading companies developing automatic control software for critical applications. The key advantage is that this approach has a rigorous mathematical semantics which allows the programmers to develop critical software faster and better. Indeed, model-driven high-level programming is at the cross-roads of many approaches in compilation, formal analysis and verification techniques, and generation of software or hardware implementation. The purpose of the SLA++P workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners who work in the field of languages and tools for the model-driven development of embedded applications both in hardware and software. The workshop is not limited to synchronous approaches but open to other engineering design approaches with strong semantical foundations providing a way to go from a high-level description to provable executable code. The workshop topics cover, among others, the following issues: * synchronous and asynchronous models for time and concurrency * novel language paradigms blending synchrony with asynchrony and non-determinism, semantic abstraction and refinement, * synchronous languages and programming formalisms, * compilation techniques, * formal specification and verification, * test and validation of programs, * case-studies, industrial and teaching experience * design methodologies, visualisation of complex reactive embedded systems * component-based development of reactive embedded systems Submission and publication: Contributions are sought in the form of regular paper submissions which may be extended abstracts or full papers describing original research results or work in progress, and should be no longer than 15 pages. They should follow the ENTCS format available at, and the LaTeX files of the final version will be required for the final ENTCS volume. They can be uploaded on the submission site: where you follow Authors/instructions. Selected presentations from SLA++P'2008 will be invited for submission, in a possibly extended version, to a special issue of the EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, which will be published on the topic of this workshop. Workshop organisers and programme committee co-chairs Alain Girault and Eric Rutten (INRIA, Grenoble, France) Program committee Zbigniew Chamski (Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) Stephen Edwards (U. of Columbia, NYC, USA) Gregoire Hamon (The MathWorks, Boston, USA) Reinhard von Hanxleden (U. Kiel, Germany) Thomas A. Henzinger (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) Luciano Lavagno (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) Edward Lee (UC Berkeley, USA) Florence Maraninchi (VERIMAG, Grenoble, France) Michael Mendler (U. Bamberg, Germany) Sophie Pinchinat (INRIA, Rennes, France) Partha S. Roop (U. of Auckland, New Zealand) Klaus Schneider (U. Kaiserslautern, Germany) Jean-Pierre Talpin (INRIA, Rennes, France) P.S. Thiagarajan (National U., Singapore)
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP