SMART 2013

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym S M A R T 2013
Title Social Media in Acadeia: Research and Teaching
Start date 2013/06/07
End date 2013/06/09
... ...

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

   Academic applications for podcasting
   Academic events through social-media (Eventful, The Hotlist,, Upcoming, Eventseer, AllConferences)
   Analytics for social media
   Budgeting for social media in academic organizations
   Case studies for successful social media commuting and presenting
   Communication, both internal and external.
   Diagramming and visual collaboration in educational institutions
   Document Managing and Editing Tools:,, Google Docs, Syncplicity
   Executive and employee social media education and training.
   How do universities deal with social media obstacles/shortcomings
   Impact of social media on the quality of the didactic process
   Integrating social media and traditional media within the academic environment
   Livecasting for education
   Location-based social networks (Facebook places, Foursquare, Geoloqi, Google Latitude, Gowalla, The Hotlist)
   Mobile social media and mobile teaching/learning
   Personal Learning Environments
   Photography and art sharing (deviantArt, Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, SmugMug, Zooomr) and the new education
   Research in Social Media: journals, books, conferences, events
   Social bookmarking (or social tagging): CiteULike, Delicious, Diigo, Google Reader, StumbleUpon, folkd
   Social media tools for schools and universities
   Social networking used in the new academic environment (ASmallWorld, Bebo, Cyworld, Diaspora, Facebook, Google+, Hi5, Hyves, IRC, LinkedIn, MySpace, Ning, Orkut, Plaxo, Tagged, Tuenti, XING, Yammer)
   Social news: Digg, Mixx, Social i my2i, Newsvine, NowPublic, Reddit
   Teaching through presentation sharing (Prezi, scribd, SlideShare)
   The use of Content Management Systems for education (Drupal, Joomla, Plone, Siteforum, Wordpress)
   The advertising of universities using social media
   Using blogs (Blogger, Drupal, LiveJournal, Open Diary, WordPress, Xanga) for educational purposes
   Using microblogging (Google Buzz,, Twitter) for communicating academic events
   Using video sharing for education (Dailymotion, Metacafe, Nico Nico Douga, Openfilm, sevenload, Viddler, Vimeo, YouTube)
   Using wikis (PBworks, Wetpaint, Wikia, Wikimedia, Wikispaces) in Science Classes 

Keynote speakers

Professor Ilya Levin, Tel Aviv University

Presentation: Academic Education in Era of Digital Culture Ilya Levin received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering in 1987, when being the Head of the Computer Science Department in the Leningrad Institute of New Technologies (in the former USSR). Between 1993 and 1997, Ilya Levin was the Head of the Computer Systems Department in Holon Institute of Technology, Israel. In 1997, he worked as a Research fellow in the Computer Science Department of University of Massachusetts, USA. During four years between 2003-2006, Ilya Levin was an Associate Professor of the School of Engineering in the Bar Ilan University, Israel. Presently, Prof. Ilya Levin is a Head of Department of Math, Science and Technology Education of the Tel Aviv University. His recent research interests include: Computer Design, Human Concepts Learning, Social Media, Culturology of Information Society. Ilya Levin is the author of about 150 research papers both in Computer Engineering and in Education. Professor Gabriela Grosseck, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Presentation: TBA Gabriela Grosseck is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the West University of Timisoara, Romania. She has particular expertise in ICT in education (teaching, learning and researching), a solid experience in students�/teachers� training both f2f and online environments. For almost a decade she was an editor-in-chief of Romanian Journal of Social Informatics. An author of many articles in the field of e-learning 2.0, a speaker at different international events, workshop organizer and member of editorial committees (journals and conferences), her research interests cover main aspects of Web 2.0 tools and technologies in higher education, collaborative aspects and proper use of social media (by teachers, students, researchers, policy makers and other educational actors). Her papers are highly cited by researchers in social media and ICT education. Dr Charlotte HollandDublin City University, Ireland

Presentation: TBA Dr Charlotte Holland is a lecturer in Technology in Education, Education for Sustainable Development and Creative Instructional Design in the School of Education Studies. She is Chair of Undergraduate Studies and was Chair of the full-time BSc in Education and Training from 2007-2011. She held the position of Research Convenor for the School of Education Studies from 2007-2010. She is currently Chair of the Institute of Educational Research in Ireland. Research Interests: Education for Sustainable Development, Online Sustainable Learning Communities, Values-based Learning, Information and Communication technologies (ICT) in Education, Instructional Design, Web development, E-learning, Instructional Technology, Curriculum development, Science and Citizenship, Meta-cognition.


Full registration: 300.00 EUR Conference fulll registration fee includes all the following:

   3 nights of accomodation (including breakfast);
   3 lunches and the gala dinner;
   SMART 2013 printed conference proceedings;
   attending all conference sessions and round-tables;
   all coffee breaks (include hot and cold beverages);
   trip in Neamt county (visit to monasteries, Sturdza Castle, and Bicaz Canyon). 

Regular registration: 250.00 EUR Conference regular registration fee includes all the following:

   3 nights of accomodation (including breakfast);
   2 lunches and the gala dinner;
   SMART 2013 printed conference proceedings;
   attending all conference sessions and round-tables;
   all coffee breaks (include hot and cold beverages); 

Accompanying person registration: 50.00 EUR The accompanying person should sent an e-mail to mentioning the full registrant person he/she accompanies. Conference registration fee includes all the following:

   3 nights of accomodation (including breakfast);