SMWCon Fall 2016
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | SMWCon Fall 2016 |
Title | 13th conference on Semantic MediaWiki |
Start date | 2016/09/28 |
End date | 2016/09/30 |
Homepage | Fall 2016 |
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Official registration can be done via Tito. The early bird registration period runs until September 14th, 2016.
Tutorial day - September 28
On the Tutorial Day our experts will teach and introduce various topics related to semantic wikis, e.g. usage, conception etc. Just click on the button to see what will be prepared for you. We will probably also have special workshop track for advanced users. There is also a workshop track offering various possibilities of directly participating in the program.
Conference days - September 29 and 30
The Conference Days gather people from business, academia, government and non-profit organizations giving talks about applying semantic wikis as well as about newest developments in the field.
- Insights into a complex project to deploy SMW in a productive environment (working title) (follow up of The Canton of Zurich will deploy a SMW-based portal to manage historical monuments - SMWCon Fall 2014) –Daniel Hansch (DIQA)
- semantic core - A look back into seven years of Enterprise Class MediaWiki and an outlook into the future –Alexander Gesinn (
- An introduction to some useful extensions in the context of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki –Simon Heimler (
- Semantic MediaWiki for Assessment in Education –Lloyd Rutledge
- Contributing code to (Semantic) MediaWiki by using a wiki for code editing –MarkAHershberger
- Graphical User Interface for Semantic MediaWiki - Product data management at a paper machine –Robert Radke
- Some thoughts on the Semantic Web –Yaron Koren
- Overview and introduction to new semantic extensions –Karsten Hoffmeyer
- Semantic MediaWiki as a platform for lab management and biological annotation (working title) –Toni Hermoso
- Four years of Wikidata - where we are, what we learned and what's coming next –Lydia Pintscher
- Using Semantic MediaWiki for managing quizzes for knowledge examination and evaluation (working title) – Wolfgang Fahl
- Current Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWiki –Jeroen De Dauw
- Semantic MediaWiki and Open Data – the Vienna History Wiki and the OGD Cockpit – Bernhard Krabina
- Create custom Semantic Extra Special Properties fast with BlueSpiceSMWConnector –Leonid Verhovskij (BlueSpice - HalloWelt!)
- Semantic MediaWiki for programming and teaching context-aware Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) agents –Nicole Merkle
- A Generic Approach for Completing PDF-Forms with Data from Semantic MediaWiki –Matthias Frank
- Batch import of large RDF datasets using RDFIO or the new rdf2smw tool (working title) –Samuel Lampa
- Semantic OLAP: Using OLAP Functionality to Analyse Semantic MediaWiki Data – Tobias Weller
- ArchiMedes™ architecture publishing platform - Toine Schijvenaars